Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Taurus in 2009

“Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.” Anonymous

Taurus is one of my favorite signs, but I have it rising so I may be prejudiced. Being fixed earth, Taurus can be your rock. Sometimes that rock is so heavy and grounded, it can’t be moved without dynamite, but usually if you just give the rock a little nudge, it will roll on its own at its own speed.

The Bull is ruled by the material side of Venus. She likes nice things (bought on sale) and wants a nice home for her family and friends to enjoy with her. She is normally even-tempered, but if you push her too hard or attempt to take what she considers hers (be it possessions or someone’s affection), the volcanic rock that is her core will erupt with lasting consequences. Like Scorpio, once the point is reached where Taurus feels that she can’t take it anymore, the relationship will never recover because her trust has been broken. She doesn’t usually see herself as unreasonable, but that’s certainly an inborn trait. Stubbornness, like frugality, is part of her DNA.

2009 should be a pretty good year for Taurus. Saturn is still in Virgo making a nice trine (120 degree angle) which brings ease in matters relating to work and health, particularly for those born in May. Even if a change in employment is needed, Saturn will help to make the transition less difficult.

Uranus is still in Pisces making a nice sextile aspect (60 degrees) to people born in May and bringing opportunities for change that aren’t life shattering and can make life very interesting. Some of those changes may come through the introduction of mystical or spiritual elements into the life of Taurus.

Jupiter has gone into Aquarius this week and will stay there until January of 2010, challenging Taurus to beware of either an inflated sense of self or of overextending herself either physically or financially. An overabundance of optimism could be dangerous in this financial climate. Aquarius is about new and radical ideas, revolution, new inventions, and new electronic toys. Those new ideas and things may initially find resistance in Taurus, but Jupiter is an expansive planet and adopting them could bring renewed interest in life that may have been missing for awhile. Jupiter brings gifts, and if Taurus uses her innate sense of caution while seeking out new ideas and things, I believe this year can be a very positive one for her.

In the Tarot deck, Taurus is the Hierophant, which is a Pope figure to Christians. However, Hierophant was a name given to ancient Greek high priests who interpreted sacred mysteries. He represents the moral ruler as opposed to the Emperor, who is the political ruler. Hierophant also means “one who explains.” Within every Taurus is a wealth of sacred knowledge and morality which she has to learn to tap into. When searching for answers, Taurus must turn inward and find the answers for herself. People naturally trust her opinion and seek her out when they are unclear about what to do, so this year, when practical wisdom is needed, seek out your center, Taurus. There is no higher authority. If you aren’t a Taurus, I suggest finding one to bounce your ideas off of. You’ll get great advice.

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