Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gemini in 2009

“Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying.” Ram Dass
Gemini, which is a mutable air sign, is like a shortwave radio. Information is received in short bursts and is sent back out in short bursts. The amount of static surrounding the incoming information is directly related to how much of this information actually stays put in the Gemini mind. If Gemini receives an information overload, much of it will just dissipate into the ethers. Virgo analyzes information and tucks it away in little cubicles for further reference; Gemini takes it in, looks for patterns and connections to other information, and then sends it back on its way in a new form. He can distill information and recirculate it in an easier to understand form. I have four planets in Gemini (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus) and my first impulse is always to share interesting or helpful information when I come across it. A Scorpio believes knowledge is power, but a Gemini's self-awareness comes through his need to communicate.

For Geminis born in June, or for those with inner planets in the late teens and after, 2009 may be a year of sudden radical changes and overcoming obstacles relating to work and health security. June Geminis are getting the double whammy of Saturn and Uranus creating a T-square (two planets 180º apart forming a 90º aspect to another planet) to the Sun in Gemini on and off until August of 2010. Saturn in Virgo (structuring life through work, service and health) is in direct conflict with the need to break free through a radical change in spiritual understanding, or a radical need to escape reality (Uranus in Pisces). The energy that can balance this lopsided aspect pattern is Sagittarian – higher learning, freedom, new religious values, and/or the power of positive thinking.

My Venus is at 21º of Gemini, is the ruler of my chart (I have Taurus rising) and rules my sixth house of work. When that Saturn/Uranus opposition created a T-square to my Venus, the large firm where I’d worked for the last five years laid me off. The stress had been tremendous leading up to the layoff because my mother had a stroke, I had a very long commute to and from work, and it was difficult to be at work when I had little to do and could have been taking care of matters for my mother, who was going back and forth between the hospital and a rehab facility. I believe that if the layoff hadn’t occurred, the stress of my entire situation would have caused serious health issues for me. By the day of the layoff, I physically felt like I was going to disintegrate into a million tiny pieces. What has transpired since is an opportunity to do what I love full-time and pursue an entirely new career path

Geminis born in May have already experienced the stresses of Saturn and Uranus in earlier degrees.

What is helpful for Geminis in 2009 is that Jupiter moved into Aquarius and will be there for most of the time, giving Geminis much needed support. Friends and groups of people will be very supportive, and new and unique ideas will be available to help them transition to new things.

The Lovers card in the Tarot deck is usually associated with Gemini. This card has less to do with being in love than it does with making decisions and finding yourself at a crossroads in life. The subconscious and the self-conscious must join together and walk the same path. Geminis can have a hard time making decisions because they can see both sides of a situation, but sometimes they just take in too much information and become confused. I don’t know about you, but when I have to make an important decision I research my options, talk to others to get their opinions, and then weigh the opinions I receive and follow what my heart tells me is right.

Mercury, the Roman god of communication, is associated with Gemini through Mercury’s rulership of Gemini in Astrology. Gods from other pantheons, such as the Greek Hermes, the Celtic Lugh and the Norse Odin are also mercurial types. Lugh, like Gemini, is a jack-of-all-trades (a wright, a smith, a champion, a swordsman, a harpist, a hero, a poet and historian, a sorcerer, and a craftsman), and Odin is a wise teacher who gave the world the wisdom of the runes. So remember, when the going gets tough, that Gemini contains within him multiple talents to tap into whenever the need arises.

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