"Love doesn't make the world go round,The bonfire that sprang to life in Aries is now burning hotly and evenly, its coals beautiful to look at. Leo, the fixed fire sign, is where the Sun is most comfortable and shines brightly through personal love. The soul of Leo warms everyone that comes close enough. It is represented by the Lion, and if you’ve ever experienced a purring cat in your lap, you know what affection can bring out in the king of beasts. Leos are regal, proud and fearless. A close friend in my 20’s, a warm and generous Leo woman, always told me, “Never let them see you sweat,” and she would proceed to do things that I never had the nerve to do, and get way with them. Leo is also associated with creativity and pleasure, and all of the Leos that I have known have been creative—actors, artists, writers, weavers of yarn, tellers of tales. More important than all else to Leo is love. Give him love, and you will have his loyalty and his generosity. Betray his love, and you will feel his bite.
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."Elizabeth Browning
Jupiter in Aquarius is opposing Leo all year, showing a need for Leo to expand mentally into new ideas and/or physically by pursuing new creative outlets with unique and interesting groups and organizations. The challenge is to increase creatively from within and not overdo it and deny the needs of others. Leo relates to personal love; Aquarius to impersonal love, and the trick is for him to balance the concepts by not creating a situation where his own needs are denying or interfering with the needs of others. Jupiter brings a desire for higher learning and travel, and this would be a good year to explore new places and ideas, but include a partner or friend. With an opposition aspect, now is not the time to do things alone, but it is a time to compromise. It may be that your significant other doesn’t want to go to the North Pole. Find someplace else that both of you would like to see instead of demanding the North Pole.
Neptune will be in Aquarius, particularly affecting Leos born between about August 15 and August 20, in 2009. This planet of illusion and idealism may bring people that live life on a different plane into Leo’s world. These can be very religious people, people with spiritual beliefs that are completely new or different, someone Leo feels is his “soul mate,” or people who have drug or alcohol problems. This aspect tends to cause confusion, and Leo may be tempted to try to “save” someone or want someone to “save” him. He should examine his motives to see if this comes from a true place of need or from a place of personal ego. If he meets someone who literally sweeps him off his feet in love, he should attempt to keep his own feet on the ground, or find someone solid and dependable with whom to discuss the situation. When Neptune touches a personal planet, we tend to see what we want to see and we tend to ignore important details that would bring clarity to the situation. Neptune rules drug addiction – the need to escape from reality. Although the experience of love under this type of transit is so incredible that it can’t be expressed to others in words (and they may think you’re crazy anyway), it also can’t last forever in this idealized form.
The Strength card in the Tarot card deck is related to Leo. The inner strength of Leo is in his ability to control his “beast.” Compassion, patience, courage and understanding bring out the best in Leo. The picture shows a young woman calming a lion with only her hands. With love, even the biggest jungle cat will respond positively and turn over on his back so you can rub his belly. That is one of the biggest lessons for Leo—using love as a weapon instead of his teeth and claws. Particularly with family members and other loved ones, even when they hurt you or upset you, never forget that you love them. Leo’s ego is always in danger of being bruised, but how he reacts is the lesson. Sincere love will turn even enemies into friends.
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