Friday, January 9, 2009

Cancer in 2009

“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” Jane Howard

A crab, the symbol for the sign Cancer, lives its life within a hard shell, but beneath that shell is a delicious delicacy. Because Cancer is a water sign, she is sensitive to the emotions of others and in order to keep herself from getting stirred up by every passing emotion, she hides her delicate interior behind a hard exterior. That doesn’t keep her from reaching out emotionally, but she does it on her own terms. Cancer is cardinal water and is more comfortable reaching out rather than having someone reaching in. Because of her sensitive nature, she is very selective about who is in her inner circle, and those that are allowed in she considers family–even if they are her chosen family and not her blood family. The nurturing instinct in her is particularly strong. Whether manifesting through a man or a woman, Cancer is the personification of the protective mother, be it for the protection of a partner, a child, a small animal or a friend.

With Pluto’s transit into Capricorn, Cancers born at the beginning of the sign in June are feeling Pluto’s transformative power through their relationships with others. Intense renovation in areas of home, family, security, or social standing will have a profound effect on partnerships. With so many people out of work, the issue of security will be an important one for many Cancers and one that can disrupt even the most stable relationship. Pluto’s influence brings to the surface old buried parts of the psyche that need to be transformed into something more relevant to present circumstances. Just as the legendary Phoenix was destroyed and recreated through fire, Cancer’s manner of relating, their partners and/or their relationships may go through transformative experiences and will have to regenerate and become stronger or move on. Pluto takes no hostages.

Mid-July Cancers are under the influence of an easy trine (120º) from Uranus, the planet of change and sudden enlightenment. With Uranus in Pisces, spiritual people and the desire to help others in need may create changes in the way she expresses herself and give her more freedom to fulfill her generous spirit and nurturing spirit. A change in spiritual beliefs, or a deepening of her belief system may also occur at this time.

Saturn in Virgo, still making that opposition (180º) aspect to Uranus but making a nice sextile (60º) to Cancer, may bring opportunities to mid-July Cancers through work and should be of assistance in keeping life somewhat stable and healthy.

In the Tarot, the Chariot card is related to the sign of Cancer. Like Cancer, it is a card of movement—a chariot being drawn by two horses. A warrior must do battle from the side of the chariot, just as a crab doesn’t approach battle head on. The warrior must also have complete control over the horses so they move uniformly and don’t pull the chariot apart moving in opposite directions. Cancer must also get control, but of her emotions so that they don’t tear her apart. She reacts strongly to perceived slights because of her sensitive nature, but she wears armor around her feelings like the warrior in the Chariot wears armor for physical protection, and none but those sensitive to her watery nature will know that the armor protects a sensitive soul. The Chariot also represents the need for focused drive harnessed to a powerful will so that she can accomplish goals that are worth fighting for, and for Cancer, that usually involves the protection of those she considers her family.

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