"There are a number of mechanical devices that increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief amongst these is the Mercedes-Benz 380L convertible." P.J. O'RourkeCapricorn, the mountain goat, is a creature that clings to the rocks and climbs steep mountains in search of sustenance with surefootedness and a deep sense of purpose. The last cardinal sign, this time in earth, Capricorn creates wealth and status through her ability to organize, delegate and see the big picture. Being the opposite of Cancer, she knows that emotions are pleasant, but realizes that what is really needed to ensure longevity in business and personal realms is a relationship based on tangible matters, such as owning a house or owning a business together, or even creating a situation where the partner is dependent on her financially. Capricorn is not a loner, she figures out what she needs to get the job done and finds the people who can help her. Her key words are “I use,” which can mean she literally uses people to further her own ends, or, on the other hand, that she understands how to take the available resources and use them to create her vision. She handles responsibility well and it is said that Capricorns get younger as they get older because they are serious as children and learn to lighten up with age. My experience over the years with groups and organizations is that often the women or men who lead organizations and keeping them running smoothly are people whose charts contain a mixture of Leo and Capricorn. The Leo part likes to be center stage and the Capricorn part keeps everything organized, running smoothly, and solvent. Unlike Virgo, who organizes in the service of others, Capricorn organizes those that work for her and delegates work effectively. She understands the limitations of others and, as a mentor, will help people to move past their fears and will teach them to move up the ladder of success. The problem some Capricorns run into is working too much and not spending enough time with family, or marrying someone for status and realizing too late that her marriage is just an empty shell. Family is important to Capricorn, and those that have learned to balance work and home will give their family financial security and protective love.
As I have said before, Pluto has moved into Capricorn for the next 14 years initiating deep seated changes for planets in the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn). In 2009, for people born in early Capricorn, the Plutonian transformational energy is in the form of a conjunction, which is always the beginning of a new cycle. Capricorn’s security issues will have to be re-examined, new ways of earning a living or creating security will be introduced into her life, and stress of having to make changes against her will may cause health problems if the changes called for are resisted. A new desire to be in control of personal affairs will occur, and there could be battles of the wills with employers or the complete reorganization or disappearance of a company that has been her major source of security. The most positive aspect of this Pluto conjunction is the transformation of Capricorn’s ego and her personal delving within to deal with her shadow. Through challenges to her authority, she will gain insights into how she views the world that she was not previously aware of.
Saturn is making an easy aspect to Capricorn all year, so even for the early Capricorns who are dealing with change and transformation on the deepest levels of their being, Saturn is attending to matters of security and will be supportive for almost the entire year. Responsibilities will be handled easily and affairs should run smoothly.
Uranus, which has been and continues to be opposing Saturn, is also in an easy aspect to Capricorn, especially those born in the last 10 days of the sign. Uranus always speeds up the pace of life and brings interesting people and situations into the status quo. Unlike the mutable signs, this opposition of Saturn/Uranus will, for Capricorn, likely be more noticeable relating to the state of her country and the world as opposed to her personal life. Any life changes initiated by Uranus should bring new opportunities to late degree Capricorns, unless Uranus is in difficult aspect in the birth chart.
Capricorn is related to The Devil card in the Tarot deck – not because she is evil or somehow satanic, but because the biggest danger for Capricorn is to be caught up in materialism and power to the exclusion of all else to compensate for feelings of insecurity. Eventually, the money and power take over her life and she is chained to The Devil, like the people in the picture. The Devil card also relates to duties to which we believe we are bound through the manipulation of others. No one can bind you, no material desire can chain you, unless you allow it. Capricorn climbs mountains, but those mountains are also spiritual mountains. When she climbs to the heights of her spirituality, the chains of materialism, and The Devil, dissolve. Generosity of money, time and spirit are the keys to happiness for Capricorn – she must learn to allow the free flow of energy and all that she desires will come to her. Once she is secure in herself, she will be as surefooted as the mountain goat that is associated with her sign.
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