Friday, January 30, 2009

Capricorn in 2009

"There are a number of mechanical devices that increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief amongst these is the Mercedes-Benz 380L convertible." P.J. O'Rourke
Capricorn, the mountain goat, is a creature that clings to the rocks and climbs steep mountains in search of sustenance with surefootedness and a deep sense of purpose. The last cardinal sign, this time in earth, Capricorn creates wealth and status through her ability to organize, delegate and see the big picture. Being the opposite of Cancer, she knows that emotions are pleasant, but realizes that what is really needed to ensure longevity in business and personal realms is a relationship based on tangible matters, such as owning a house or owning a business together, or even creating a situation where the partner is dependent on her financially. Capricorn is not a loner, she figures out what she needs to get the job done and finds the people who can help her. Her key words are “I use,” which can mean she literally uses people to further her own ends, or, on the other hand, that she understands how to take the available resources and use them to create her vision. She handles responsibility well and it is said that Capricorns get younger as they get older because they are serious as children and learn to lighten up with age. My experience over the years with groups and organizations is that often the women or men who lead organizations and keeping them running smoothly are people whose charts contain a mixture of Leo and Capricorn. The Leo part likes to be center stage and the Capricorn part keeps everything organized, running smoothly, and solvent. Unlike Virgo, who organizes in the service of others, Capricorn organizes those that work for her and delegates work effectively. She understands the limitations of others and, as a mentor, will help people to move past their fears and will teach them to move up the ladder of success. The problem some Capricorns run into is working too much and not spending enough time with family, or marrying someone for status and realizing too late that her marriage is just an empty shell. Family is important to Capricorn, and those that have learned to balance work and home will give their family financial security and protective love.

As I have said before, Pluto has moved into Capricorn for the next 14 years initiating deep seated changes for planets in the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn). In 2009, for people born in early Capricorn, the Plutonian transformational energy is in the form of a conjunction, which is always the beginning of a new cycle. Capricorn’s security issues will have to be re-examined, new ways of earning a living or creating security will be introduced into her life, and stress of having to make changes against her will may cause health problems if the changes called for are resisted. A new desire to be in control of personal affairs will occur, and there could be battles of the wills with employers or the complete reorganization or disappearance of a company that has been her major source of security. The most positive aspect of this Pluto conjunction is the transformation of Capricorn’s ego and her personal delving within to deal with her shadow. Through challenges to her authority, she will gain insights into how she views the world that she was not previously aware of.

Saturn is making an easy aspect to Capricorn all year, so even for the early Capricorns who are dealing with change and transformation on the deepest levels of their being, Saturn is attending to matters of security and will be supportive for almost the entire year. Responsibilities will be handled easily and affairs should run smoothly.

Uranus, which has been and continues to be opposing Saturn, is also in an easy aspect to Capricorn, especially those born in the last 10 days of the sign. Uranus always speeds up the pace of life and brings interesting people and situations into the status quo. Unlike the mutable signs, this opposition of Saturn/Uranus will, for Capricorn, likely be more noticeable relating to the state of her country and the world as opposed to her personal life. Any life changes initiated by Uranus should bring new opportunities to late degree Capricorns, unless Uranus is in difficult aspect in the birth chart.

Capricorn is related to The Devil card in the Tarot deck – not because she is evil or somehow satanic, but because the biggest danger for Capricorn is to be caught up in materialism and power to the exclusion of all else to compensate for feelings of insecurity. Eventually, the money and power take over her life and she is chained to The Devil, like the people in the picture. The Devil card also relates to duties to which we believe we are bound through the manipulation of others. No one can bind you, no material desire can chain you, unless you allow it. Capricorn climbs mountains, but those mountains are also spiritual mountains. When she climbs to the heights of her spirituality, the chains of materialism, and The Devil, dissolve. Generosity of money, time and spirit are the keys to happiness for Capricorn – she must learn to allow the free flow of energy and all that she desires will come to her. Once she is secure in herself, she will be as surefooted as the mountain goat that is associated with her sign.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sagittarius in 2009

“We must not believe the many, who say that only free people ought to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free.” Epictetus
One of the traits of Sagittarius can be procrastination, and that’s what happened to me while trying to write this segment. Although it seems to be procrastination in the eyes of others, what actually happens is that something or many other things catches Sag’s attention and veers him off course. He eventually shows up and does what he intended to do in the first place, but putting pressure on him will only delay him further. (I’ve been informed by a reliable Sag source that this procrastination trait can be overcome with age.) Sag is mutable fire – the flying sparks from our burning bonfire. Aries lit the fire with its rush of flame, Leo’s coals keep it burning, and Sag’s sparks fly off into the ethers searching for new sources of fuel. I’ve been fortunate to have two Sags close to me for my whole life – my sister and my cousin. Both of them moved away from our home town when they were young -- one eventually ended up in the Big Apple and the other in Toronto, Canada. They both travel in one year more than I travel in five, and they never tire of seeing new places. Sag is the sign of expanding horizons – be they foreign countries, higher education, religious ideals, foreign people or the pursuit of justice. He is straightforward in his communication – he doesn’t sugar coat things and doesn’t hide behind lies. Jupiter is associated with Sag and it creates the need for expansion, so Sag is always looking to broaden his horizons. Being tied down is difficult for Sag, and unless he can find a partner that keeps up with him but also gives him space, he may choose not to have a partner at all.

Mid to late Sag’s will be feeling the effects of the Saturn/Uranus opposition off and on until the end of April 2010. Just like the world we live in, Sag will be aware of the need to break away from the status quo and create a radically different reality. If he’s not conscious about it, that new reality may be thrust upon him suddenly. Situations that create feelings of dread (like a job you hate) may suddenly disappear if you don’t consciously make changes. Because Saturn is moving backward right now and Uranus, forward, the intensity of this configuration will soften until these planets move back into exact opposition next April. Now is the time to examine your life and attempt to make changes in the areas that you know in your heart aren’t good for you. It will be easier if you take the steps to make change than if change is thrust upon you, but some of us need a push that forces us to make a change (and then complain that it was against our will).

Early Sags have already felt the influence of Saturn and Uranus and their lives are settling down into more of a routine, but for those born after about the 7th of December, if you don’t slow down when you start to feel stretched too thin, you could experience health problems. If you feel the need to slow down, listen to yourself.

Jupiter transiting in Aquarius is a fortunate aspect for Sag. New avenues of exploration and opportunities to pursue them will be presented. Jupiter stays in Aquarius until January 2010, so traveling, education, learning more about computers and the internet, Astrology, and new inventions will be a good outlet for Sag this year. Since Jupiter is in an easy aspect, overdoing anything shouldn’t be a problem.

In December, Sags born around December 16 will feel the effects of a conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. These planets together can bring an abundance of idealism into your life. Deep spiritual experiences or profound religious truths may be encountered, changing your reality. On the other hand, be cautious about the effects of drugs during this timeframe, and don’t allow yourself to be carried away by fantasies about what could be. Although this will be a great time to formulate your dreams of the future, it would help if you had someone near, like a good solid Taurus, with whom to discuss your ideas before you act on them.

Temperance, the card associated with Sagittarius in the Tarot deck, has a picture of an angel standing with one foot on the solid ground of physical experience and one in the waters of emotion, pouring what appears to be water from one vessel to another. Temperance here relates to the blending of ingredients in the correct amounts to create harmony and balance. Aleister Crowley calls this card “Alchemy,” which is a process of taking unrelated elements and creating another which is very valuable. In spiritual matters, that alchemy refers to transmuting lower elements into higher ones, moving our being to higher levels of spirituality. Sag spends his life gathering knowledge – through higher education, philosophy, traveling to new and exotic locales, and heated discussions with others in the pursuit of wisdom. All of this experience allows Sag to weigh and measure his experience and find the right path to walk in any situation – his tao. With Sag’s accumulated wisdom, he can be the Judge, finding mediation within diversity. In a seemingly irreconcilable situation, his accumulated experience and wisdom are available for blending and creating something of great personal worth. Turn to your accumulated wisdom, Sag, when the road is the darkest. The answer already lies within you.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Scorpio in 2009

“Tamed as it may be, sexuality remains one of the demonic forces in human consciousness -- pushing us at intervals close to taboo and dangerous desires, which range from the impulse to commit sudden arbitrary violence upon another person to the voluptuous yearning for the extinction of one's consciousness, for death itself.” Susan Sontag
Scorpio, fixed water, is the most misunderstood and feared sign of the zodiac, and is known for its intense sexuality and emotions. Scorpio is related to the eighth house of the horoscope, the house of emotionally intense sexuality (as opposed to the fifth house, which is sex for fun), death, other people’s money and transformation. Libra relates to others mentally, creating a connection through flirting and body language, while Scorpio relates to others emotionally, wanting to know everything there is to know about how her partner feels and all his or her secret desires. It is difficult for people who don’t relate emotionally to even get what Scorpio is about. Unless you are able to communicate non-verbally and sense your partner’s emotions, it’s unlikely that you will want a Scorpio in your life. She rarely tells you what’s on her mind as she believes knowledge is power. Scorpio spends her life transforming herself and those she is close to. Often, there is tragedy in the life of a Scorpio – unexpected deaths, suicides, events that others can’t imagine living through. She learns lessons about letting go through those experiences, because once she attaches to someone or something, it’s difficult for her to let go. She can be very controlling. However, if a she loves you and trusts, you will experience love at a depth unlike that with any other sign, and if you let go and join her in the all consuming fire of her passion, you will never be the same.

With Jupiter moving into Aquarius and making a hard square to Scorpio, Scorpio should try not to be frustrated when others are elusive and detached in their relationships to her. While Scorpio wants exclusivity, Aquarius wants independence and eccentricity. Partners may tax joint finances for what Scorpio thinks are toys that don’t add anything to future security -- like giant TVs and cool new iPods. As Jupiter transits always bring protection and gifts, these issues won’t be major ones, but may be frustrating to Scorpio’s need to control. Legal matters could manifest, and Scorpio should beware of a sense of inflated self-importance.

Late Scorpios also have Neptune in Aquarius to contend with. Neptune in a hard aspect to the Sun brings confusion to self-identity. In some cases, an escapist tendency emerges and alcoholism or drug addiction (including prescription drugs) becomes a problem. Neptune’s energy, however, if used constructively, can bring great compassion and creativity into your life. Be cautious that any humanitarian causes that you involve yourself in don’t take over your life, but this is a good time to support causes that you feel strongly about. Creative people will find this period very inspiring. Sometimes, this type of aspect can result in a reaction to a medication that is hard to pinpoint. If you have been prescribed a medication, you should pay very close attention to your physical and psychological reactions as your body will be very sensitive to anything you put into it, including food.

Security and the need to change, shown by Saturn and Uranus, are going smoothly now for Scorpio. Opportunities will arise to increase security while at the same time allowing needed changes without burning bridges.

The Death card, probably only second to the Devil card in scaring people when it pops up in a Tarot reading, is related to Scorpio. All of life is a cycle – something is born, matures and dies. New life always follows death as Spring follows Winter. Death teaches us that all living things are equal in its eyes – we all die, kings as well as street people, cats as well as cactuses. It is a part of the natural cycle of life. The lesson for Scorpio is to loosen her grip. As hard as she may want to hold onto something or someone, all things come to an end. Relationships die, either from boredom or the death of a loved one; riches disappear when the stock market crashes or a Bernie Madoff pulls a fast one. If Scorpio can allow each experience to transform her and not try to hold on to it, she will find peace instead of pain.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Libra in 2009

"Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky." Rainer Maria Rilke

The first six signs of the zodiac follow the path of personal consciousness, from the first awareness of “I” to the realization that there is a great deal of self-fulfillment to be gained in being of service to others. At Libra, we begin to reach out to others to form relationships so that we can see ourselves from a different viewpoint. He is the cardinal air sign, which means that, like Aries, he initiates action, but through the element of air–mentally. For those who find relationships hard to initiate, taking lessons from Libra would be worthwhile. Relating is what he was born to accomplish, and he’s at his best when he’s able to view himself through someone else’s eyes. He is never tacky and goes to great lengths to be attractive to others. Clothing on the cutting edge of whatever he considers fashionable will find its way into his closet, and it’s important to him to be dressed appropriately for whatever social occasion he is attending, and there are a lot of them. Diplomacy was created by a Libra. If there’s someone in your family that is always trying to keep the peace, it’s a good bet they’re a Libra or have strong Libra tendencies in their chart. He dislikes discord and will go to great lengths to negotiate a truce. Like the kidneys purify the body, Libra purifies consciousness through the lens of relationship.

Please be aware that although I have not written about every outer planet’s effect on every sign, no Sun sign is isolated from their effects. My purpose in this blog is to give a little insight into the major influences for each sign over the coming year, and it is not meant to be all inclusive.

Neptune has been in a comfortable trine aspect (120º) to Libra since 1998, when it entered Aquarius (Gemini should also be able to relate to what I’m going to say). Neptune is basically a planet of escapism, illusion, and deception, but also of deep spiritual urges, and those types of experiences are being funneled through the lens of Aquarius. The internet is a conduit for this energy, as is the mainstream media. The trine from Neptune has increased the information Libra is receiving relating to spiritual matters, but also has made it easy for him to find ways to escape from reality, be it through the internet, science fiction, fantasy, drugs, political conspiracy theories or new age information. Because a trine aspect doesn’t force investigation, many Libras are enjoying their Neptunian interests with no idea that there may be a let down sometime in the future when they float back to the ground. This experience is potentially a great window into the reality of other dimensions, and Libras should just enjoy the ride.

On the other hand, as I’ve said before, Pluto has just entered Capricorn, a sign that is in square aspect (90º) to Libra, and recently began a 14-year journey putting obstacles in Libra’s path. He has to learn lessons relating to security within his relationships, including changes in societal status (such as those being experienced by Bernie Madoff’s investees), or deaths and/or illnesses affecting his important relationships. On the positive side, Pluto always transforms you and makes you stronger, and the challenges faced by Libras over the next 14 years will put them in touch with their hard inner core that they gloss over for appearances sake. At the heart of every sign is its opposite, and the opposite of Libra is Aries. There is fire within that can truly be discovered by the adversity of Pluto.

Libra’s card is Justice, the card of balance and objectivity. Here, issues are weighed and that which creates an imbalance is cut away. The gift of Libra is to be able to see both sides of a situation and weigh the pros and cons impartially. Air is not an emotional element, and in some cases, Libra’s judgment can be harsh. The lesson is to balance each thought against its opposite to annihilate illusion. Libra must learn that imbalance lies within us, not in the outside world, and he will learn it through the prism of his relationships.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Virgo in 2009

“Excellence is in the details. Give attention to the details and excellence will come.” Perry Paxton
Imagine you’re going to a large family reunion organized by your cousin Stephanie, a Virgo. This will be no bring your own food and grab a beer reunion; this will be an organized potluck with each family responsible for a certain food or drink item. The invitations will be neatly prepared and sent out early enough for people to buy discount airfare, the room will be decorated appropriately, and picture taking will be organized so that everyone is in at least one picture. There will be plenty of beer and soft drinks, and when the party is over, the room will be cleaned from top to bottom. Stephanie may be busy all afternoon overlooking details, but she enjoys herself probably more than many of the people who attend. Virgo’s keywords are “I analyze,” and she uses this power to keep her world running smoothly by scrutinizing what needs to be done and when. Work, service and organization are what make Virgo hum. On the other hand, since most people aren’t as meticulous as Virgo, she can become critical and hound others because her vision of how things should be is not manifesting. In some cases, a Virgo gets so caught up in the details that she just throws up her hands and lets things be as they are. She can’t, so to speak, see the forest for the trees, and that’s the reason that some Virgo homes look disorganized. Inside, though, she knows where everything is or should be, but the chaos keeps her in a state of anxiety, which can cause her health issues.

For people born between about the 7th and 22nd of August, life will hold many challenges this year. Saturn is moving through the last half of Virgo, and the actions of authority figures may impose restrictions on Virgo and force her to handle responsibilities and unfinished business that appear difficult. Health issues can also be a concern. Adding to this stress, Uranus is opposed to Saturn (180º) and changes that are forced on her will be unexpected and life altering. Unlike Leo, Virgo is mutable air, so change is somewhat less traumatic. Once Virgo understands that what is occurring involves her destiny and stops fighting against it, the way becomes clearer and she will organize a plan of action to resolve the issues and put her life back on an organized path.

Pluto, which has just entered Capricorn, is making an easy trine (120º) to people born at the very beginning of Virgo. This should bring ease in making career changes, and perhaps a promotion. Certainly, powerful changes in status, in the way in which she performs tasks and work responsibilities, and her approach to handling health issues will have a transformative effect on early Virgos. These shouldn’t be painful or debilitating unless the natal chart has a very strong sensitivity to things Plutonian. Pluto moves slowly and all Virgos will experience this energy at some time in the next 14 years as Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2023. The lesson is about the handling of power, and every Virgo will learn to incorporate more power into her life.

The Hermit is Virgo’s tarot card. The picture is of a man in a hooded robe leaning on a large staff standing at the summit of a mountain. He is holding up a lantern as he looks down the mountain. He represents a person who has reached a level of knowledge that sets him apart from his peers, but he stops and shines his light so that others may follow in his footsteps. I always see him as an expert in his field who has few others with whom he can communicate because of the level of his knowledge, but instead of leaving others behind, he invites them to share in his knowledge. In a Tarot spread, the Hermit indicates the need for solitude, for careful planning, and for the removal of the self from the noise and chaos of the world so that before the next step on the path is taken, it can be contemplated. Prudence and discretion are necessary before continuing on the path of self-realization. When times become difficult for Virgo, she must seek within and use the wealth of knowledge she has accumulated to carefully plan, in detail, how to move forward into her future.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Leo in 2009

"Love doesn't make the world go round,
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
Elizabeth Browning
The bonfire that sprang to life in Aries is now burning hotly and evenly, its coals beautiful to look at. Leo, the fixed fire sign, is where the Sun is most comfortable and shines brightly through personal love. The soul of Leo warms everyone that comes close enough. It is represented by the Lion, and if you’ve ever experienced a purring cat in your lap, you know what affection can bring out in the king of beasts. Leos are regal, proud and fearless. A close friend in my 20’s, a warm and generous Leo woman, always told me, “Never let them see you sweat,” and she would proceed to do things that I never had the nerve to do, and get way with them. Leo is also associated with creativity and pleasure, and all of the Leos that I have known have been creative—actors, artists, writers, weavers of yarn, tellers of tales. More important than all else to Leo is love. Give him love, and you will have his loyalty and his generosity. Betray his love, and you will feel his bite.

Jupiter in Aquarius is opposing Leo all year, showing a need for Leo to expand mentally into new ideas and/or physically by pursuing new creative outlets with unique and interesting groups and organizations. The challenge is to increase creatively from within and not overdo it and deny the needs of others. Leo relates to personal love; Aquarius to impersonal love, and the trick is for him to balance the concepts by not creating a situation where his own needs are denying or interfering with the needs of others. Jupiter brings a desire for higher learning and travel, and this would be a good year to explore new places and ideas, but include a partner or friend. With an opposition aspect, now is not the time to do things alone, but it is a time to compromise. It may be that your significant other doesn’t want to go to the North Pole. Find someplace else that both of you would like to see instead of demanding the North Pole.

Neptune will be in Aquarius, particularly affecting Leos born between about August 15 and August 20, in 2009. This planet of illusion and idealism may bring people that live life on a different plane into Leo’s world. These can be very religious people, people with spiritual beliefs that are completely new or different, someone Leo feels is his “soul mate,” or people who have drug or alcohol problems. This aspect tends to cause confusion, and Leo may be tempted to try to “save” someone or want someone to “save” him. He should examine his motives to see if this comes from a true place of need or from a place of personal ego. If he meets someone who literally sweeps him off his feet in love, he should attempt to keep his own feet on the ground, or find someone solid and dependable with whom to discuss the situation. When Neptune touches a personal planet, we tend to see what we want to see and we tend to ignore important details that would bring clarity to the situation. Neptune rules drug addiction – the need to escape from reality. Although the experience of love under this type of transit is so incredible that it can’t be expressed to others in words (and they may think you’re crazy anyway), it also can’t last forever in this idealized form.

The Strength card in the Tarot card deck is related to Leo. The inner strength of Leo is in his ability to control his “beast.” Compassion, patience, courage and understanding bring out the best in Leo. The picture shows a young woman calming a lion with only her hands. With love, even the biggest jungle cat will respond positively and turn over on his back so you can rub his belly. That is one of the biggest lessons for Leo—using love as a weapon instead of his teeth and claws. Particularly with family members and other loved ones, even when they hurt you or upset you, never forget that you love them. Leo’s ego is always in danger of being bruised, but how he reacts is the lesson. Sincere love will turn even enemies into friends.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Cancer in 2009

“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” Jane Howard

A crab, the symbol for the sign Cancer, lives its life within a hard shell, but beneath that shell is a delicious delicacy. Because Cancer is a water sign, she is sensitive to the emotions of others and in order to keep herself from getting stirred up by every passing emotion, she hides her delicate interior behind a hard exterior. That doesn’t keep her from reaching out emotionally, but she does it on her own terms. Cancer is cardinal water and is more comfortable reaching out rather than having someone reaching in. Because of her sensitive nature, she is very selective about who is in her inner circle, and those that are allowed in she considers family–even if they are her chosen family and not her blood family. The nurturing instinct in her is particularly strong. Whether manifesting through a man or a woman, Cancer is the personification of the protective mother, be it for the protection of a partner, a child, a small animal or a friend.

With Pluto’s transit into Capricorn, Cancers born at the beginning of the sign in June are feeling Pluto’s transformative power through their relationships with others. Intense renovation in areas of home, family, security, or social standing will have a profound effect on partnerships. With so many people out of work, the issue of security will be an important one for many Cancers and one that can disrupt even the most stable relationship. Pluto’s influence brings to the surface old buried parts of the psyche that need to be transformed into something more relevant to present circumstances. Just as the legendary Phoenix was destroyed and recreated through fire, Cancer’s manner of relating, their partners and/or their relationships may go through transformative experiences and will have to regenerate and become stronger or move on. Pluto takes no hostages.

Mid-July Cancers are under the influence of an easy trine (120º) from Uranus, the planet of change and sudden enlightenment. With Uranus in Pisces, spiritual people and the desire to help others in need may create changes in the way she expresses herself and give her more freedom to fulfill her generous spirit and nurturing spirit. A change in spiritual beliefs, or a deepening of her belief system may also occur at this time.

Saturn in Virgo, still making that opposition (180º) aspect to Uranus but making a nice sextile (60º) to Cancer, may bring opportunities to mid-July Cancers through work and should be of assistance in keeping life somewhat stable and healthy.

In the Tarot, the Chariot card is related to the sign of Cancer. Like Cancer, it is a card of movement—a chariot being drawn by two horses. A warrior must do battle from the side of the chariot, just as a crab doesn’t approach battle head on. The warrior must also have complete control over the horses so they move uniformly and don’t pull the chariot apart moving in opposite directions. Cancer must also get control, but of her emotions so that they don’t tear her apart. She reacts strongly to perceived slights because of her sensitive nature, but she wears armor around her feelings like the warrior in the Chariot wears armor for physical protection, and none but those sensitive to her watery nature will know that the armor protects a sensitive soul. The Chariot also represents the need for focused drive harnessed to a powerful will so that she can accomplish goals that are worth fighting for, and for Cancer, that usually involves the protection of those she considers her family.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gemini in 2009

“Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying.” Ram Dass
Gemini, which is a mutable air sign, is like a shortwave radio. Information is received in short bursts and is sent back out in short bursts. The amount of static surrounding the incoming information is directly related to how much of this information actually stays put in the Gemini mind. If Gemini receives an information overload, much of it will just dissipate into the ethers. Virgo analyzes information and tucks it away in little cubicles for further reference; Gemini takes it in, looks for patterns and connections to other information, and then sends it back on its way in a new form. He can distill information and recirculate it in an easier to understand form. I have four planets in Gemini (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus) and my first impulse is always to share interesting or helpful information when I come across it. A Scorpio believes knowledge is power, but a Gemini's self-awareness comes through his need to communicate.

For Geminis born in June, or for those with inner planets in the late teens and after, 2009 may be a year of sudden radical changes and overcoming obstacles relating to work and health security. June Geminis are getting the double whammy of Saturn and Uranus creating a T-square (two planets 180º apart forming a 90º aspect to another planet) to the Sun in Gemini on and off until August of 2010. Saturn in Virgo (structuring life through work, service and health) is in direct conflict with the need to break free through a radical change in spiritual understanding, or a radical need to escape reality (Uranus in Pisces). The energy that can balance this lopsided aspect pattern is Sagittarian – higher learning, freedom, new religious values, and/or the power of positive thinking.

My Venus is at 21º of Gemini, is the ruler of my chart (I have Taurus rising) and rules my sixth house of work. When that Saturn/Uranus opposition created a T-square to my Venus, the large firm where I’d worked for the last five years laid me off. The stress had been tremendous leading up to the layoff because my mother had a stroke, I had a very long commute to and from work, and it was difficult to be at work when I had little to do and could have been taking care of matters for my mother, who was going back and forth between the hospital and a rehab facility. I believe that if the layoff hadn’t occurred, the stress of my entire situation would have caused serious health issues for me. By the day of the layoff, I physically felt like I was going to disintegrate into a million tiny pieces. What has transpired since is an opportunity to do what I love full-time and pursue an entirely new career path

Geminis born in May have already experienced the stresses of Saturn and Uranus in earlier degrees.

What is helpful for Geminis in 2009 is that Jupiter moved into Aquarius and will be there for most of the time, giving Geminis much needed support. Friends and groups of people will be very supportive, and new and unique ideas will be available to help them transition to new things.

The Lovers card in the Tarot deck is usually associated with Gemini. This card has less to do with being in love than it does with making decisions and finding yourself at a crossroads in life. The subconscious and the self-conscious must join together and walk the same path. Geminis can have a hard time making decisions because they can see both sides of a situation, but sometimes they just take in too much information and become confused. I don’t know about you, but when I have to make an important decision I research my options, talk to others to get their opinions, and then weigh the opinions I receive and follow what my heart tells me is right.

Mercury, the Roman god of communication, is associated with Gemini through Mercury’s rulership of Gemini in Astrology. Gods from other pantheons, such as the Greek Hermes, the Celtic Lugh and the Norse Odin are also mercurial types. Lugh, like Gemini, is a jack-of-all-trades (a wright, a smith, a champion, a swordsman, a harpist, a hero, a poet and historian, a sorcerer, and a craftsman), and Odin is a wise teacher who gave the world the wisdom of the runes. So remember, when the going gets tough, that Gemini contains within him multiple talents to tap into whenever the need arises.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Taurus in 2009

“Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.” Anonymous

Taurus is one of my favorite signs, but I have it rising so I may be prejudiced. Being fixed earth, Taurus can be your rock. Sometimes that rock is so heavy and grounded, it can’t be moved without dynamite, but usually if you just give the rock a little nudge, it will roll on its own at its own speed.

The Bull is ruled by the material side of Venus. She likes nice things (bought on sale) and wants a nice home for her family and friends to enjoy with her. She is normally even-tempered, but if you push her too hard or attempt to take what she considers hers (be it possessions or someone’s affection), the volcanic rock that is her core will erupt with lasting consequences. Like Scorpio, once the point is reached where Taurus feels that she can’t take it anymore, the relationship will never recover because her trust has been broken. She doesn’t usually see herself as unreasonable, but that’s certainly an inborn trait. Stubbornness, like frugality, is part of her DNA.

2009 should be a pretty good year for Taurus. Saturn is still in Virgo making a nice trine (120 degree angle) which brings ease in matters relating to work and health, particularly for those born in May. Even if a change in employment is needed, Saturn will help to make the transition less difficult.

Uranus is still in Pisces making a nice sextile aspect (60 degrees) to people born in May and bringing opportunities for change that aren’t life shattering and can make life very interesting. Some of those changes may come through the introduction of mystical or spiritual elements into the life of Taurus.

Jupiter has gone into Aquarius this week and will stay there until January of 2010, challenging Taurus to beware of either an inflated sense of self or of overextending herself either physically or financially. An overabundance of optimism could be dangerous in this financial climate. Aquarius is about new and radical ideas, revolution, new inventions, and new electronic toys. Those new ideas and things may initially find resistance in Taurus, but Jupiter is an expansive planet and adopting them could bring renewed interest in life that may have been missing for awhile. Jupiter brings gifts, and if Taurus uses her innate sense of caution while seeking out new ideas and things, I believe this year can be a very positive one for her.

In the Tarot deck, Taurus is the Hierophant, which is a Pope figure to Christians. However, Hierophant was a name given to ancient Greek high priests who interpreted sacred mysteries. He represents the moral ruler as opposed to the Emperor, who is the political ruler. Hierophant also means “one who explains.” Within every Taurus is a wealth of sacred knowledge and morality which she has to learn to tap into. When searching for answers, Taurus must turn inward and find the answers for herself. People naturally trust her opinion and seek her out when they are unclear about what to do, so this year, when practical wisdom is needed, seek out your center, Taurus. There is no higher authority. If you aren’t a Taurus, I suggest finding one to bounce your ideas off of. You’ll get great advice.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Introduction and Aries in 2009

The beginning of a new year is the traditional time to follow through on New Year’s resolutions, and this year mine is writing this blog to pass along my thoughts on how each of the zodiacal signs can cope in the depressed atmosphere in which we find ourselves. Some of us are relatively unscathed by current events, but others of us are finding that many things are occurring in our lives, creating a pyramid effect of what feels like bad karma.

The Planets I will include in my discussion are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (yes, Pluto is still a planet to astrologers). For simplicity in writing this blog, I will call both the Sun and Moon planets. (Many astrologers also use some of the asteroids in their work, but I won’t be discussing them here.) The planets are cosmic representations of forces that manifest on Earth and which are available to us as living beings on the physical plane. These planets are constantly moving and forming and reforming mathematical angles to each other and to Mother Earth. Those angles show how well the energy of each planet relates to the energy of every other planet. When an astrologer creates a horoscope chart, she is taking a snapshot of a moment in time, creating a roadmap of the interaction and strength of the planetary energies manifesting in the world at that moment.

There are numerous ways to relate to the outside world. Most people today disassociate the outer world from the inner world, rarely, if ever, aware of the fact that what’s going on around them is a reflection of what’s going on within them. Early in humankind’s history, when the world remained a much more mysterious place, before the rise of monotheism and, following that, the rational industrial revolution, people were connected to the world around them, interpreting signs in the outer world as having personal and communal meaning. People related to all of nature as intelligent and intimately involved in human life as opposed to something created for the convenience of humanity to control and use.

Have you ever been very angry and found yourself tripping over something, or worse yet, having a car accident or cutting or burning yourself? Have you ever been very curious about some subject and suddenly someone enters your life and gives you information on that subject and then, perhaps, just disappears, like a stranger in the night? Have you ever found yourself completely unhappy in your job and stuck there for many reasons, and then suddenly, either you’re fired, laid off or the company goes out of business and you are given the means to go on and, hopefully, do something that brings you more fulfillment? These are examples of what psychologist Carl Jung called Synchronicity. Synchronicity is how Astrology works. The planets don’t “make” you do anything. Their representation in a horoscope is a blueprint which an astrologer can read and which indicates the major strengths and weaknesses of character of a person, the path to be traveled, and obstacles and rewards they will meet as they move through life. No astrology chart can predict how a person will react--your reactions to events and obstacles remain your free will. Astrology shows you the tools at your disposal to walk your path. One person will take the high road, another the low. It may take you three times, or more, of experiencing the same obstacle before you learn to hurdle it. It’s all about the road trip, the tao. I believe life is an educational experience. It’s not the first time you’ve been on this earth plane, and in most cases, it won’t be the last. Your horoscope will help guide you through the lessons.

The planets in a natal horoscope mirror the energies that were active when you were born, and the casting of a horoscope for the current transits reflects the energies that are active on earth now. There are other ways (progressions) to look at a birth chart to see in what direction a person has grown psychologically and spiritually over their lifetime, but for the purposes of this set of articles, I will only be discussing the Sun signs, the major astrological influences to them in 2009, and techniques that you can use as tools to meet the obstacles you will encounter.


“Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.” Carlos Castaneda

Aries is the fiery instigator of the zodiac. Without the spark of Aries, there would be no enthusiasm to begin new projects or explore new people or places. They get bored when there’s no action, and get a thrill out of going off in new directions. Aries is Cardinal Fire--the first whoosh of fire when you light a bonfire. It burns hot and bursts forth, but that rush of flame only lasts for so long.

Aries people have been under the influence of a square from Jupiter’s transit through Capricorn for about a year. Capricorn, the Cardinal Earth sign, is also an instigator of action, but of a practical nature and in a very organized manner. It has clearly defined goals in mind, and Aries wants the experience, but doesn’t always know where that new experience is going to lead him and often doesn’t stick around long enough to find out. Aries people may have had an inflated sense of their own importance during this transit, or took on new responsibilities that made them feel stifled and restricted in ways that were contrary to their need for movement and new projects. Now, Jupiter is leaving Capricorn and moving into Aquarius, a much more compatible sign with Aries, making expansion a much easier task for Aries and bringing opportunities to meet new people, learn new and interesting subjects, and put some of that Aries energy into groups and organizations.

Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration, moved into a stressful relationship to Aries when it transited into Capricorn in late November, and it will stay in Capricorn for years, causing anyone with Aries planets the stress of releasing what no longer works in their life. Hidden attitudes and prejudices will surface, and because this is a square aspect and not an opposition, it may be difficult for them to actually see how they are creating their own obstacles. Aries may feel that events manifest, through no fault of their own, just to make life harder, but Aries is a warrior and can confront and conquer its own fears and anyone that threatens their security. Conflict will spark Aries’ fire and they will burn away whatever is holding them back.

We’ve all watched the state of the world’s economy implode and hidden secrets of misdoing exposed, putting the rotten underbelly of the greedy out into the glare of the world’s eye for all to see and showing us that the structures we thought were so stable were decaying from the inside out. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is all about structure and stability and using resources to reach practical goals. Pluto’s transit into Capricorn is telling Aries that it’s time to transform its ego through a realignment of goals, through their work, and through their desire for social status, and how repercussions of using people for their personal benefit will be made very clear to them, showing them, perhaps painfully, their unconscious motives. This Pluto in Capricorn era will be a transformative time for all Aries people, but this year it is those born in the very early degrees (about March 20-26) that will really feel its influence. For some, this period of time will be more difficult than for others, but for all Aries, it will be a cleansing time when the heat of the passions can be transformed into positive energy for constructive outlets.

By the end of 2009, Saturn will enter Libra, form a square to Pluto in Capricorn (90 degree angle) and an opposition to Aries (180 degrees), and the home, family and important relationships of people born in the beginning of Aries will become the center of focus. Aries will examine its relationships and judge whether those relationships are based in reality and how they stand up to the scrutiny of society. Good relationships will get stronger and bad ones may die or transform into better ones, but that will take awareness and conscious effort. Responsibilities may challenge relationships and family structures, and a re-examination of priorities will be called for. These relationship issues will wax and wane until the end of August 2010 when Saturn will move away from the square to Pluto.

Aries has many tools at its disposal when the going gets tough. In Tarot, Aries is represented by the Emperor card. The picture on the card is of a crowned king sitting on a throne. He is the supreme commander, which gives him the right to control troops and engage in wars to protect the state. A good king instills loyalty in others through self-confidence and his ability to lead others through times of crisis. The Emperor is logical and he learns by experience. Events may at first strike a blow at Aries, but Aries is the warrior and can rise up and confront its enemies and use all resources at its disposal to overcome any threat. If you are an Aries, this strength lies within you and remember it when your mind turns to negative thoughts.

During the next year, Aries may find that they are dealing with obsessive thoughts about a goal or relationship that’s important to them, or they may obsess about getting revenge about imagined slights or perceived interference by others. Pluto’s lesson is to learn to just let go. Letting go is the easiest thing in the world to do, once you do it. It’s getting to the point of actually letting go that’s difficult. If an attitude or thought you’re clinging to is causing you intense pain, let it go. Said the Buddha:

We are what we think
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind,
And trouble will follow you,
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.

We are what we think
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind,
And Happiness will follow you,
As your shadow, unshakable.

How can a troubled mind
Understand the way?

Your worst enemy cannot harm you
As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.

But once mastered,
No one can help you as much,
Not even your father or your mother.
“The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone,” said Henrik Ibsen. Pluto may cause friction and the ending of relationships for Aries, perhaps by death or by a disintegration of the bonds you had with a loved one, but you should remember that the keywords for Aries are “I am.” When you are born with the Sun in Aries, your consciousness is moving out of the undifferentiated cosmic love and acceptance of Pisces and creating an awareness of a separate, self-sufficient self. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Know that you are strong within yourself and that this too shall pass.