The beginning of a new year is the traditional time to follow through on New Year’s resolutions, and this year mine is writing this blog to pass along my thoughts on how each of the zodiacal signs can cope in the depressed atmosphere in which we find ourselves. Some of us are relatively unscathed by current events, but others of us are finding that many things are occurring in our lives, creating a pyramid effect of what feels like bad karma.
The Planets I will include in my discussion are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (yes, Pluto is still a planet to astrologers). For simplicity in writing this blog, I will call both the Sun and Moon planets. (Many astrologers also use some of the asteroids in their work, but I won’t be discussing them here.) The planets are cosmic representations of forces that manifest on Earth and which are available to us as living beings on the physical plane. These planets are constantly moving and forming and reforming mathematical angles to each other and to Mother Earth. Those angles show how well the energy of each planet relates to the energy of every other planet. When an astrologer creates a horoscope chart, she is taking a snapshot of a moment in time, creating a roadmap of the interaction and strength of the planetary energies manifesting in the world at that moment.
There are numerous ways to relate to the outside world. Most people today disassociate the outer world from the inner world, rarely, if ever, aware of the fact that what’s going on around them is a reflection of what’s going on within them. Early in humankind’s history, when the world remained a much more mysterious place, before the rise of monotheism and, following that, the rational industrial revolution, people were connected to the world around them, interpreting signs in the outer world as having personal and communal meaning. People related to all of nature as intelligent and intimately involved in human life as opposed to something created for the convenience of humanity to control and use.
Have you ever been very angry and found yourself tripping over something, or worse yet, having a car accident or cutting or burning yourself? Have you ever been very curious about some subject and suddenly someone enters your life and gives you information on that subject and then, perhaps, just disappears, like a stranger in the night? Have you ever found yourself completely unhappy in your job and stuck there for many reasons, and then suddenly, either you’re fired, laid off or the company goes out of business and you are given the means to go on and, hopefully, do something that brings you more fulfillment? These are examples of what psychologist Carl Jung called Synchronicity. Synchronicity is how Astrology works. The planets don’t “make” you do anything. Their representation in a horoscope is a blueprint which an astrologer can read and which indicates the major strengths and weaknesses of character of a person, the path to be traveled, and obstacles and rewards they will meet as they move through life. No astrology chart can predict how a person will react--your reactions to events and obstacles remain your free will. Astrology shows you the tools at your disposal to walk your path. One person will take the high road, another the low. It may take you three times, or more, of experiencing the same obstacle before you learn to hurdle it. It’s all about the road trip, the tao. I believe life is an educational experience. It’s not the first time you’ve been on this earth plane, and in most cases, it won’t be the last. Your horoscope will help guide you through the lessons.
The planets in a natal horoscope mirror the energies that were active when you were born, and the casting of a horoscope for the current transits reflects the energies that are active on earth now. There are other ways (progressions) to look at a birth chart to see in what direction a person has grown psychologically and spiritually over their lifetime, but for the purposes of this set of articles, I will only be discussing the Sun signs, the major astrological influences to them in 2009, and techniques that you can use as tools to meet the obstacles you will encounter.
ARIES “Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.” Carlos Castaneda
Aries is the fiery instigator of the zodiac. Without the spark of Aries, there would be no enthusiasm to begin new projects or explore new people or places. They get bored when there’s no action, and get a thrill out of going off in new directions. Aries is Cardinal Fire--the first whoosh of fire when you light a bonfire. It burns hot and bursts forth, but that rush of flame only lasts for so long.
Aries people have been under the influence of a square from Jupiter’s transit through Capricorn for about a year. Capricorn, the Cardinal Earth sign, is also an instigator of action, but of a practical nature and in a very organized manner. It has clearly defined goals in mind, and Aries wants the experience, but doesn’t always know where that new experience is going to lead him and often doesn’t stick around long enough to find out. Aries people may have had an inflated sense of their own importance during this transit, or took on new responsibilities that made them feel stifled and restricted in ways that were contrary to their need for movement and new projects. Now, Jupiter is leaving Capricorn and moving into Aquarius, a much more compatible sign with Aries, making expansion a much easier task for Aries and bringing opportunities to meet new people, learn new and interesting subjects, and put some of that Aries energy into groups and organizations.
Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration, moved into a stressful relationship to Aries when it transited into Capricorn in late November, and it will stay in Capricorn for years, causing anyone with Aries planets the stress of releasing what no longer works in their life. Hidden attitudes and prejudices will surface, and because this is a square aspect and not an opposition, it may be difficult for them to actually see how they are creating their own obstacles. Aries may feel that events manifest, through no fault of their own, just to make life harder, but Aries is a warrior and can confront and conquer its own fears and anyone that threatens their security. Conflict will spark Aries’ fire and they will burn away whatever is holding them back.
We’ve all watched the state of the world’s economy implode and hidden secrets of misdoing exposed, putting the rotten underbelly of the greedy out into the glare of the world’s eye for all to see and showing us that the structures we thought were so stable were decaying from the inside out. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is all about structure and stability and using resources to reach practical goals. Pluto’s transit into Capricorn is telling Aries that it’s time to transform its ego through a realignment of goals, through their work, and through their desire for social status, and how repercussions of using people for their personal benefit will be made very clear to them, showing them, perhaps painfully, their unconscious motives. This Pluto in Capricorn era will be a transformative time for all Aries people, but this year it is those born in the very early degrees (about March 20-26) that will really feel its influence. For some, this period of time will be more difficult than for others, but for all Aries, it will be a cleansing time when the heat of the passions can be transformed into positive energy for constructive outlets.
By the end of 2009, Saturn will enter Libra, form a square to Pluto in Capricorn (90 degree angle) and an opposition to Aries (180 degrees), and the home, family and important relationships of people born in the beginning of Aries will become the center of focus. Aries will examine its relationships and judge whether those relationships are based in reality and how they stand up to the scrutiny of society. Good relationships will get stronger and bad ones may die or transform into better ones, but that will take awareness and conscious effort. Responsibilities may challenge relationships and family structures, and a re-examination of priorities will be called for. These relationship issues will wax and wane until the end of August 2010 when Saturn will move away from the square to Pluto.
Aries has many tools at its disposal when the going gets tough. In Tarot, Aries is represented by the Emperor card. The picture on the card is of a crowned king sitting on a throne. He is the supreme commander, which gives him the right to control troops and engage in wars to protect the state. A good king instills loyalty in others through self-confidence and his ability to lead others through times of crisis. The Emperor is logical and he learns by experience. Events may at first strike a blow at Aries, but Aries is the warrior and can rise up and confront its enemies and use all resources at its disposal to overcome any threat. If you are an Aries, this strength lies within you and remember it when your mind turns to negative thoughts.
During the next year, Aries may find that they are dealing with obsessive thoughts about a goal or relationship that’s important to them, or they may obsess about getting revenge about imagined slights or perceived interference by others. Pluto’s lesson is to learn to just let go. Letting go is the easiest thing in the world to do, once you do it. It’s getting to the point of actually letting go that’s difficult. If an attitude or thought you’re clinging to is causing you intense pain, let it go. Said the Buddha:
We are what we think
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind,
And trouble will follow you,
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind,
And Happiness will follow you,
As your shadow, unshakable.
How can a troubled mind
Understand the way?
Your worst enemy cannot harm you
As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.
But once mastered,
No one can help you as much,
Not even your father or your mother.
“The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone,” said Henrik Ibsen. Pluto may cause friction and the ending of relationships for Aries, perhaps by death or by a disintegration of the bonds you had with a loved one, but you should remember that the keywords for Aries are “I am.” When you are born with the Sun in Aries, your consciousness is moving out of the undifferentiated cosmic love and acceptance of Pisces and creating an awareness of a separate, self-sufficient self. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Know that you are strong within yourself and that this too shall pass.