Astral Luminations by Fran Rosen. You remember Carrie Prejean. She came in second in the Miss USA pageant, allegedly because of anti-gay remarks she made during the contest, and she has now been stripped of her crown as Miss California for breach of contract by Donald Trump.
Caroline Michelle Prejean was born on May 13, 1987. Because I don’t have a birth time for her, her Moon is either in Scorpio or in the very early degrees of Sagittarius. Either placement will give her a Sun/Moon opposition, but considering her tenacity, sexiness, and the antagonism she has generated, I believe her Moon is most likely in Scorpio.
Carrie, an obstinate Taurus, initially retained her position as Miss California despite her public homophobic remarks and semi-nude photographs, probably because to Donald Trump, business comes first and having a little notoriety is nothing to be afraid of. Being a Gemini, he, in all probability, allows everyone their own belief system as long as it doesn’t interfere with his business interests. Eventually, however, Carrie did begin to interfere with his business interests when she stopped showing up for her contractual Miss California appearances and instead went to anti-gay rallies to speak. Then, his famous “you’re fired” line was used on her (albeit indirectly – I believe someone else actually did the firing).
She must irritate him a great deal. The Donald has Mars in Leo, which is nicely aspected in his chart, and he is used to getting his own way and most, if not all, of the attention. Then along comes little Miss California with her Sun and probably her Moon squaring his Mars, creating a tension filled fixed t-square to his Mars, increasing his aggression and challenging his ego. On top of that, her chatty Mars in Gemini sits right on his Sun. Initially, he was probably attracted to her, but then he may have started to perceive her as too pushy, and she probably communicated with him too much or was constantly bugging him about something. Eventually, his Mars (and his Saturn – see below) just had enough and fired her. The transiting Chiron/Neptune/Jupiter conjunction is exactly opposing Donald’s Mars now, adding stress to his life and challenging his ego, but also showing us his charitable side. He did give her more than one chance before the ax fell. (If you watched Celebrity Apprentice this season, you can appreciate the kind of energy his Mars was up against dealing with Joan Rivers and Annie Duke (a professional poker player). While all money went to charity, underhanded game playing was the theme of the season. At the same time, Saturn and Uranus were squaring his Moon (and his Sun). I can’t think of a more difficult way for those energies to manifest than having to deal with those two women at the same time! He did see through Annie Duke’s scheming ways and Joan Rivers won.)
In addition to all this irritation and Mars energy is Saturn’s influence. Saturn is the karmic taskmaster, the father figure, the urge to be the boss, to be organized, and to create something material. The Donald, with his massive real estate holdings and wealth, as well as his image as the boss on TV, is a larger than life Saturn figure. Carrie’s Saturn is in Sagittarius conjunct her Uranus right on top of his Sag Moon and that configuration opposes her Mars in Gemini on Donald’s Sun. These aspects challenged him, and she probably attempted to guilt him into allowing her to follow her belief systems to the detriment of his business interests through her holier than thou attitude. Donald Trump is a very Saturn in Cancer figure (Saturn/Venus conjunct in Cancer) – creating wealth and security as a means of support for his family is his major focus. At some level, she was challenging his security and his family, and he was having none of it.
Saturn conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius has very strong belief systems that are not within the mainstream (no matter what she thinks), and her Saturn appears to care more about what she thinks is right than it does about taking care of business. What may turn out to be fortunate for her (but not necessarily easy to deal with) is that as she gets older, when her Saturn/Uranus conjunction is activated, her beliefs will radically change, as will the circumstances of her business life, as we can see from events that happened on June 10th when Donald fired her.
On June 10th, the transiting Sun activated his Sun/Moon opposition and her Saturn/Uranus opposing Mars configuration connected to his Sun/Moon. Additionally, transiting Uranus exactly squared her natal Uranus, the planet of sudden and unexpected changes. This Uranus aspect also triggered her natal Saturn/Uranus conjunction, which had been active throughout the period of the Miss USA pageant up to the present, and was also a major influence in her firing. Plus, Donald’s Mars, already stressed by her personal planets, was triggered by a quincunx (stressful, sudden event aspect) from transiting Uranus, releasing the tension that had been building up from the t-square created to it by her Sun and Moon. Donald’s Sun/Moon opposition between Gemini and Sag has also been under attack from the transiting Saturn/Uranus opposition since fall, not helping his mood. His Saturn/Venus in Cancer ties his sense of security directly to his business interests, and he takes very personally any threat to his security. Because Carrie is so young, she hasn’t had her first Saturn return yet, but transiting Saturn is forming the last of three applying squares to her natal Saturn. Hopefully, she will learn her Saturn square lesson dealing with her religious views and attitudes as they relate to her business interests and security. Shortly after Saturn finishes squaring its natal place in her chart, it will square her natal Uranus, so the next few months will be very difficult and tension filled for her. This experience may turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to her, but only she will know that. I’m just glad I wasn’t in the room when Donald Trump lost his temper.
(For a news discussion of Ms. Prejean, see -- Keith Olbermann rocks!)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Carrie Prejean (Miss California) v. Saturn (a/k/a Donald Trump)
Labels: astrology, tarot, pagan
Carrie Prejean,
Donald Trump,
Miss California,
Miss USA
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