Sunday, August 9, 2009
Update and Mars/Saturn Energy This Week
If there are any astrological, tarot or other related subjects that you'd like me to write about, please send me an e-mail at
Mars is applying to a square to Saturn today and will be exact on Monday, August 10, at 5:16 p.m. EDT. This energy is best used for getting difficult tasks out of the way -- and with Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Virgo, you may find that you will need to have mental discipline, which is available to you, but only if you apply yourself. If you don't want to be criticized, pay attention to the details. Squares always require work and with Saturn in Virgo involved, concentration and organization is necessary, along with the need to get things done quickly (Mars in Gemini). Try to avoid arguments under this influence. When this aspect is exact, the Moon will be in Aries, adding to the tendency to want to do things too fast. You may be inundated with work, so take your time and do the best job you're capable of.
Have a great week.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Carrie Prejean (Miss California) v. Saturn (a/k/a Donald Trump)
Caroline Michelle Prejean was born on May 13, 1987. Because I don’t have a birth time for her, her Moon is either in Scorpio or in the very early degrees of Sagittarius. Either placement will give her a Sun/Moon opposition, but considering her tenacity, sexiness, and the antagonism she has generated, I believe her Moon is most likely in Scorpio.
Carrie, an obstinate Taurus, initially retained her position as Miss California despite her public homophobic remarks and semi-nude photographs, probably because to Donald Trump, business comes first and having a little notoriety is nothing to be afraid of. Being a Gemini, he, in all probability, allows everyone their own belief system as long as it doesn’t interfere with his business interests. Eventually, however, Carrie did begin to interfere with his business interests when she stopped showing up for her contractual Miss California appearances and instead went to anti-gay rallies to speak. Then, his famous “you’re fired” line was used on her (albeit indirectly – I believe someone else actually did the firing).
She must irritate him a great deal. The Donald has Mars in Leo, which is nicely aspected in his chart, and he is used to getting his own way and most, if not all, of the attention. Then along comes little Miss California with her Sun and probably her Moon squaring his Mars, creating a tension filled fixed t-square to his Mars, increasing his aggression and challenging his ego. On top of that, her chatty Mars in Gemini sits right on his Sun. Initially, he was probably attracted to her, but then he may have started to perceive her as too pushy, and she probably communicated with him too much or was constantly bugging him about something. Eventually, his Mars (and his Saturn – see below) just had enough and fired her. The transiting Chiron/Neptune/Jupiter conjunction is exactly opposing Donald’s Mars now, adding stress to his life and challenging his ego, but also showing us his charitable side. He did give her more than one chance before the ax fell. (If you watched Celebrity Apprentice this season, you can appreciate the kind of energy his Mars was up against dealing with Joan Rivers and Annie Duke (a professional poker player). While all money went to charity, underhanded game playing was the theme of the season. At the same time, Saturn and Uranus were squaring his Moon (and his Sun). I can’t think of a more difficult way for those energies to manifest than having to deal with those two women at the same time! He did see through Annie Duke’s scheming ways and Joan Rivers won.)
In addition to all this irritation and Mars energy is Saturn’s influence. Saturn is the karmic taskmaster, the father figure, the urge to be the boss, to be organized, and to create something material. The Donald, with his massive real estate holdings and wealth, as well as his image as the boss on TV, is a larger than life Saturn figure. Carrie’s Saturn is in Sagittarius conjunct her Uranus right on top of his Sag Moon and that configuration opposes her Mars in Gemini on Donald’s Sun. These aspects challenged him, and she probably attempted to guilt him into allowing her to follow her belief systems to the detriment of his business interests through her holier than thou attitude. Donald Trump is a very Saturn in Cancer figure (Saturn/Venus conjunct in Cancer) – creating wealth and security as a means of support for his family is his major focus. At some level, she was challenging his security and his family, and he was having none of it.
Saturn conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius has very strong belief systems that are not within the mainstream (no matter what she thinks), and her Saturn appears to care more about what she thinks is right than it does about taking care of business. What may turn out to be fortunate for her (but not necessarily easy to deal with) is that as she gets older, when her Saturn/Uranus conjunction is activated, her beliefs will radically change, as will the circumstances of her business life, as we can see from events that happened on June 10th when Donald fired her.
On June 10th, the transiting Sun activated his Sun/Moon opposition and her Saturn/Uranus opposing Mars configuration connected to his Sun/Moon. Additionally, transiting Uranus exactly squared her natal Uranus, the planet of sudden and unexpected changes. This Uranus aspect also triggered her natal Saturn/Uranus conjunction, which had been active throughout the period of the Miss USA pageant up to the present, and was also a major influence in her firing. Plus, Donald’s Mars, already stressed by her personal planets, was triggered by a quincunx (stressful, sudden event aspect) from transiting Uranus, releasing the tension that had been building up from the t-square created to it by her Sun and Moon. Donald’s Sun/Moon opposition between Gemini and Sag has also been under attack from the transiting Saturn/Uranus opposition since fall, not helping his mood. His Saturn/Venus in Cancer ties his sense of security directly to his business interests, and he takes very personally any threat to his security. Because Carrie is so young, she hasn’t had her first Saturn return yet, but transiting Saturn is forming the last of three applying squares to her natal Saturn. Hopefully, she will learn her Saturn square lesson dealing with her religious views and attitudes as they relate to her business interests and security. Shortly after Saturn finishes squaring its natal place in her chart, it will square her natal Uranus, so the next few months will be very difficult and tension filled for her. This experience may turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to her, but only she will know that. I’m just glad I wasn’t in the room when Donald Trump lost his temper.
(For a news discussion of Ms. Prejean, see -- Keith Olbermann rocks!)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Goodbye Fire, Hello Earth – Venus and Mars From Aries to Taurus
Mars in Aries energy is about being innovative, wanting to explore new areas of life, and doing things your own way. Venus in Aries is about seeking out new social and sexual relationships, finding new ways to generate material income, and forging new personal values. These energies moving into Taurus are an indication that concrete manifestations and feelings of security in those areas will start to occur. We should also see some of the changes and new beginnings instituted by the U.S. government begin to have a real world effect. On the other hand, the fires of enthusiasm will be dampened somewhat by a Taurean reality check, which can be either good or bad, depending on what you have your heart set on (and with the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction going on right now in Aquarius, we all seriously need to do continuous reality checks). If you don’t have a lot of earth in your chart (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or a strong Saturn, then I suggest that you get the perspective of one of your most practical friends or a practical member of your family about any plan of action you suspect may need toning down. That may help to shake off some of the fairy dust before the practicality of these planets in Taurus squaring the Jupiter/Neptune grand idealistic vision does it for you as we move through June.
The fiery passion of Aries will turn more possessive in Taurus. Time will slow down. You may feel like it’s harder to get moving in the morning, but Mars in Taurus brings a sustaining strength, so you may move slower, but your energy will last longer. If you’ve been frugal, this will be the time to make those sensible purchases that you’ve been putting off. Venus in Taurus is a great bargain hunter and the bargains should be out there.
The Sun moved out of Taurus and into Gemini last week, so people are back on the roads for the holiday. However, the active and energetic Sun in Gemini/Venus and Mars in Aries vibration we are experiencing now will slow down noticeably as soon as Mars goes into Taurus on the 31st, so if you have been putting off doing anything that should be taken care of quickly, try to get it done this week. Mars in Taurus will get it done, but it will get it done in its own time.
I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sir Laurence Olivier
One of the things Sir Laurence is known for is as a founder of the Old Vic Theater in 1944 in London, which presented classical theater until 1949. He is also known for his classical Shakespearean roles. Those and other career choices were influenced by an opposition of his Jupiter/Neptune conjunction to a Mars/Uranus conjunction in the sign of Capricorn, with Uranus also ruling his 10th house of career. This Capricorn Mars/Uranus conjunction was ruled by his Saturn in Pisces, not necessarily an easy placement for the expression of emotion, but an indication that he built the structure of his life through the understanding of suffering and compassion. The sign Capricorn is representative of the desire to be socially acceptable and to gain recognition through working hard and never quitting. This sign moves one to act in ways that normally bring recognition through conformity, but Sir Laurence achieved that goal by doing it his way, which brings to mind Frank Sinatra’s song “My Way.” Being an actor is never a socially acceptable profession, but Sir Laurence was involved with classical theater and was knighted by the Queen, the epitome of social conformity and proof of the perfection of his art. A person with a Mars/Uranus conjunction in another sign would probably not have been knighted, or may have refused it, but it was important to his Capricorn planets to be recognized by the establishment and to accomplish his professional goals. Although he achieved the acceptance of high society by being knighted by the Queen, it may be that as a consequence of his need to do things his own way (which is also shown by his Sun and Mercury in the sign of Taurus), and the fact that he felt for a long time that films were inferior to the theater, and looked down his nose at method actors, that he was nominated for 11 Oscars, but won only once as Best Actor for Hamlet in 1948. He was, however, honored with numerous other awards, both British and American, as well as several Golden Globe awards, and an honorary Oscar in 1979 for his contribution to film. The placement of Pluto in his angular first house, the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in his second house (involving his personal values with what characters he would portray or plays he would produce or direct), and his Mars/Uranus conjunction in the emotionally controlling and intense 8th house all added to his need to be in control of his career and for it to be financially profitable. These placements also added to his depth as a performer, as Pluto in the first house and planets in the 8th house demand that nothing be superficial, so every performance he gave was felt by his audience to the depths of their being.
Although Sir Laurence died in 1989, his body of work is still alive, and he is still a measure of excellence for classical actors. I’m going to take some time on Friday and honor him by watching one of his movies.
(As an additional note about the current Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, Jupiter is right now within 30 minutes of a conjunction to Neptune in the sign of Aquarius, so the expansion of illusion in our daily lives has to do with humanitarian expression and idealism rather than with emotional expression and idealism. Children born this week will be emotionally detached from their idealism, but must guard against becoming mesmerized by humanitarian movements that promise extraordinary social benefits but only deliver illusion, as do all of us alive at this time. Some of these children may, however, eventually bring about the social changes of which we are now dreaming.)
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Chakras and Who You Are - Part 2
Name Vissudha (purification)
Purpose Communication, creativity
Issues Communication, creativity, listening, resonance, finding one’s own voice
Color Bright blue
Location Throat, pharyngeal plexus
Dieties Ganga, Sarasvati, Hermes, the Muses, Apollo, Brigit, Seshat, Nabu
Element Sound
Sense Hearing
Gemstones Turquoise, blue topaz
Demon Lies
Basic Rights To speak and be heard
Balanced Characteristics Resonant voice, good listener, good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, lives creatively
Traumas and Abuses Lies, mixed messages, verbal abuse, excessive criticism, secrets, authoritarian parents, alcoholic/chemical dependent family
Deficiency Fear of speaking; small, weak voice; difficulty putting feelings into words, introversion, shyness, tone deaf, poor rhythm
Excess Too much talking, inability to listen, poor auditory comprehension, gossiping, dominating voice, interruption
Physical Malfunctions Disorders of the throat, ears, voice, neck, tightness of the jaw, toxicity
Healing Practices Loosen neck and shoulders, release voice, singing, chanting, toning, storytelling, journal writing, automatic writing, practice silence, non-goal oriented creativity, psychotherapy
Affirmations I hear and speak the truth.
I express myself with clear intent.
Creativity flows in and through me.
My voice is necessary.
Exercises Experiment with the resonant frequency of your chakras by chanting the following tones with each chakra, varying the pitch from low to higher as you climb up the chakras. Try to find the pitch that resonates with your body. Work on letting your sound be full-bodied and resonant.
Chakra One: Ooo as in home
Chakra Two: U as in rule
Chakra Three: Ah as in father
Chakra Four: Ay as in play
Chakra Five: Ee as in free
Chakra Six: Mm as in hum
Chakra Seven: Ng as in sing
Name Ajna (to perceive and command)
Purpose Pattern recognition
Issues Image, intuition, imagination, visualization, insight, dreams, vision
Color Indigo
Location Forehead, brow, carotid plexus, third eye
Dieties Shakti Hakini, Krishna, Themis, Hecate, Tara, Isis, Iris, Morpheus, Belenos, Apollo
Element Light
Sense 6th sense
Gemstones Lapis lazuli, quartz, sapphire
Demon Illusion
Basic Rights To see
Balanced Characteristics Intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, good dream recall, able to think symbolically, able to visualize
Traumas and Abuses What you see doesn’t go with what you’re told, invalidation of intuition and psychic occurrences, ugly or frightening environment (war zone, violence)
Deficiency Insensitivity, poor vision, poor memory, difficulty seeing future, lack of imagination, difficulty visualizing, poor dream recall, denial, believes there’s only one true and right way
Excess Hallucinations, delusions, obsessions, difficulty concentrating, nightmares
Physical Malfunctions Headaches, vision problems
Healing Practices Create visual art, visual stimulation, meditation, psychotherapy
Affirmations I see all things in clarity.
I am open to the wisdom within.
I can manifest my vision.
Exercises A good exercise to develop the visualization capacity of your third eye, while simultaneously helping to balance all your chakras, is to focus on each one of your chakras, filling that part of your body with the appropriate color of light. Begin at the top or the bottom, but proceed in order, and take time with each chakra to fully feel the effects.
Chakra One: Red
Chakra Two: Orange
Chakra Three: Yellow
Chakra Four: Green
Chakra Five: Bright Blue
Chakra Six: Indigo
Chakra Seven: Violet
Name Sahasrara (thousandfold)
Purpose Understanding
Issues Transcendence, immanence, belief systems, higher power, divinity, union, vision
Color Violet
Location Cerebral cortex
Dieties Shiva, Varuna, Zeus, Allah, Nut, Enki, Inanna, Odin, Mimir, Ennoia
Element Thought
Sense Cosmic energy
Gemstones Amethyst, diamond, quartz crystal
Demon Attachment
Basic Rights To know and to learn
Balanced Characteristics Ability to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information; intelligent, thoughtful, aware; open-minded, able to question; spiritually connected; wisdom and maturity, broad understanding
Traumas and Abuses Withheld information, education that thwarts curiosity, forced religiosity, invalidation of one’s beliefs, blind obedience, misinformation, lies, spiritual abuse
Deficiency Spiritual cynicism, learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, apathy, excess in lower chakras -- materialism, greed, domination of others
Excess Overintellectualization, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociation from body
Physical Malfunctions Coma, migraines, brain tumors, amnesia, cognitive delusions
Healing Practices Reestablish physical, emotion connection; reestablish spirit connection; learning and study, spiritual discipline, meditation, psychotherapy
Affirmations Divinity resides within.
I am open to new ideas.
Information I need comes to me.
The world is my teacher.
I am guided by higher power.
I am guided by inner wisdom.
Exercises Lie or sit in a comfortable meditation position. Allow your mind to become relatively calm and quiet, using whatever technique is most effective for you.
Gradually let yourself pay attention to the thoughts that pass through your mind. Pick one and ask yourself where it came from—what thoughts preceded it. Then follow to the origin of that thought. It may be something that occurred years ago or something that is pressing on you right now. Then again follow that thought to its source and on to each thought’s origin. Eventually, we come to a kind of infinite source that has no objective origin.
Return and pick another thought that passes through. Repeat the same sequence, going further and further back. See how many of your thoughts emanate from a similar source—either an issue you’re working with in your life right now, a past teaching, or your own place of connection with the infinite.
Anodea, Judith, Eastern Body/Western Mind (1996), Celestial Arts, Berkeley, California
Anodea, Judith, Wheels of Life (1987), Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN
Shumsky, Susan G., Exploring Chakras (2003), The Career Press, Inc., Franklin Lakes, NJ
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Chakras and Who You Are - Part 1
When Chakras are blocked or overactive, psychological states may manifest. The information I have gathered will give you an idea of which of your Chakras may need some extra attention, and I have included some exercises for getting the energy flowing through each Chakra.
Most of the material presented here was selected from the works of Anodea Judith, Ph.D., who holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Human Health and is also a Yoga teacher. For additional information, I suggest reading her books, listening to her CD’s, or if you would like to learn about how to correlate your astrological chart with your Chakras and the personal issues indicated by your planetary placements, I suggest either going to a workshop by Joe Landwehr at one of the astrology conferences where he is a presenter, or purchasing his book, Tracking the Soul with an Astrology of Consciousness (2007), Ancient Tower Press, Mountain View, MO. There are also many other fine books on the Chakras and much free information on the internet.
Name Muladhara (root)
The earth supports me and meets my needs.
I love my body and trust its wisdom.
I am immersed in abundance.
I’m here and I’m real.
Name Svadhisthana (sweetness)
Color Orange
I absorb information from my feelings.
I embrace and celebrate my sexuality.
My sexuality is sacred.
I move easily and effortlessly.
Life is pleasurable.
Name Manipura (lustrous gem)
Purpose Transformation
Issues Energy, activity, autonomy, individuation, will, self-esteem, power
Color Yellow
Location Solar plexus
Dieties Agni, Surya, Rudra, Lakini, Brigit, Athene, Helios, Apollo, Amaterasu, Belenos, Apis, Ra
Element Fire
Sense Sight
Gemstones Amber, topaz, gold
Demon Shame
Basic Rights To act and be an individual
Balanced Characteristics Responsible, reliable, balanced, effective will, good self-esteem, warmth in personality, confidence, spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humor, appropriate self-discipline, sense of one’s personal power, able to meet challenges
Traumas and Abuses Shaming, authoritarianism, domination of will, volatile situations, physical abuse, fear of punishment, age inappropriate responsibilities, inherited shame from parent
Deficiency Low energy, weak will, poor self-discipline, cold, emotionally and/or physically, poor digestion, collapsed middle, attraction to stimulants, victim mentality, passive, unreliable
Excess Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, need to be right, have last word, manipulative, power hungry, deceitful, attracted to sedatives, violent outbursts, stubborn, type A personality, competitive, arrogant, hyperactive
Physical Malfunctions Eating disorders, digestive disorders, ulcers, hypoglycemia, diabetes, muscular disorders, chronic fatigue, hypertension, disorders of stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver
Healing Practices Risk taking (deficiency), vigorous exercise, deep relaxation (excess), martial arts, sit ups, psychotherapy
Affirmations I honor the power within me.
I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.
The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears.
I can do whatever I will to do.
Exercises A good rule of thumb for stimulating the third chakra is to get your energy moving. Jogging, yelling, or pounding a pillow can help you loosen up.
Stand with feet planted firmly on the ground, knees slightly bent, heels about two feet apart. Raise arms together over the head with hands joined. Arch back slightly. Making an "ah" sound as you descend, swing the whole upper portion of the body downward bringing your hands between your legs and through. The motion should be smooth and rapid, emitting as much force and power as is possible. Let the sound be full and loud. Repeat five to ten times in a session, and feel the energy break through into your upper body. This exercise is also an excellent anger release.
Name Anahata (unstruck)
Purpose Love, balance
Issues Love, balance, self-love, relationship, intimacy
Color Green
Location Chest, heart, cardiac plexus
Dieties Vishnu, Lakshmi, Krishna, Aphrodite, Freya, Pan, Eros, Dian Cecht, Maat, Asclepius, Isis, Aeolus, Shu
Element Air
Sense Touch
Gemstones Emerald, tourmaline, rose quartz, malachite
Demon Grief
Basic Rights To love and be loved
Balanced Characteristics Compassionate, loving, empathetic, self-loving, altruistic, peaceful, balanced, good immune system
Traumas and Abuses Rejection, abandonment, loss, shaming, constant criticism, abuses to any other chakras, especially lower chakras; unacknowledged grief; divorce, loss of loved one, loveless, cold environment, conditional love, sexual or physical abuse, betrayal
Deficiency Antisocial, withdrawn, cold, critical, judgmental, intolerant of self or others, loneliness, isolation, depression, fear of intimacy, fear of relationships, lack of empathy, narcissism
Excess Co-dependency, poor boundaries, demanding, clinging, jealousy, overly sacrificing
Physical Malfunctions Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms, shortness of breath, sunken chest, circulation problems, asthma, immune system deficiency, tension between shoulder blades, pain in chest
Healing Practices Breathing exercises, journaling, self-discovery, psychotherapy
Affirmations I am worthy of love.
I am loving to myself and others.
There is an infinite supply of love.
I live in balance with others.
Exercises Because Anahata is related to the element air, it is accessible through the breath. Opening up the breath, unloosening whatever tensions are constricting it, is a way of accessing the heart chakra.
Form the grounding position of chakra 1 and begin breathing into your legs, building up some charge. Then bring the charge into your pelvis by moving your hips back and forth until your second chakra feels some of this same energy. When your hips and belly feel connected, begin to form an arch with your body, keeping your knees bent, thrusting your pelvis forward, then your stomach and chest, and finally reaching upward with your arms, head back. (Be gentle with your spine, and do not hold this position if you feel any discomfort.)
If you are holding the position correctly, you should feel a vibration in your chest. Breathe into this and relax as much as you can in this difficult position, imagining a green light filling and opening your heart.
Return slowly to your upright position, keeping the knees slightly bent, and slowly return your arms to your sides, eyes closed. Stand at rest a few moments to feel the effects of this exercise. Repeat when ready.
Anodea, Judith, Eastern Body/Western Mind (1996), Celestial Arts, Berkeley, CA
Anodea, Judith, Wheels of Life (1987), Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN
Shumsky, Susan G., Exploring Chakras (2003), The Career Press, Inc., Franklin Lakes, NJ
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The New (Threatened) Pandemic of Swine Flu
I had a little bird,
Its name was Enza,
I opened the window,
-American Skipping Rhyme circa 1918
Looking back at the Asiatic Flu of 1889-1890, which caused about a million deaths, Neptune was in the midst of changing signs from Taurus to Gemini and conjoined Pluto in early Gemini. During that same 1889-1890 time period, Saturn went into Virgo and squared the Neptune/Pluto conjunction. Saturn can cause health problems in the sign of Virgo, but because it squared the Neptune/Pluto conjunction in Gemini, it probably limited the number of deaths by limiting the transmission of the virus through the air.
The largest pandemic in the last century was the Spanish Flu of 1918 to 1920, which was of the same type as that just found in Mexico, Texas and California – H1N1. Forty million deaths in two years are almost beyond comprehension, but the Spanish Flu was so horrific that Stephen King appears to have used its symptoms as the foundation for his deadly pandemic in "The Stand." The Spanish Flu killed between 2% and 20% of the people it infected, and it is estimated that between 2.5% and 5% of the world’s population perished, most of them under the age of 65. Looking at the planets during that timeframe, Neptune and Pluto had moved to a semi-sextile aspect in early degrees of Cancer and Leo – Pluto in Cancer and Neptune in Leo. Also during this time, Jupiter transited through Cancer and Leo, forming a conjunction to both planets as it moved. While conjuncting Pluto, the planet of death, it was making a semi-sextile to Neptune, the planet of flu itself. Whatever Jupiter touches, it expands, and while there was a Saturn square to the Neptune/Pluto conjunction during the 1889-1890 pandemic which probably limited the number of deaths, the world experienced the truly expansive nature of Jupiter during the Spanish Flu outbreak, and the number of deaths was astounding. Also, Saturn and Uranus formed an opposition from Leo to Aquarius in the middle of this timeframe. This aspect, especially in fixed signs, causes enormous stress because events out of our control break up the structure of reality and cause insecurity. The loss of 40 million people from the flu right after the end of World War I was more than enough to cause the breakdown of societal structures and create collective instability.
In 1956-1958, the Asian Flu killed between 1 and 1.5 million. Originating in China from a mutation in wild ducks which combined with a human strain, it took about a year to move from China to the U.S. During this period, Neptune and Pluto were both changing signs -- Pluto from Leo into Virgo and Neptune from Libra into Scorpio (Pluto’s sign) -- and the two planets were in a sextile aspect for the two years from the start to the finish of the outbreak. In 1957, in the middle of the pandemic, Saturn and Uranus formed a trine, and early in 1959, Saturn moved to a sextile to Neptune and a trine to Pluto, which probably finally put an end to the last cases of the flu.
In 1968 to 1969, the Hong Kong flu struck, killing between 750,000 to 1 million people worldwide. This flu is thought to have been a mutation of the Asiatic Flu of the late 1800’s. Again, Neptune and Pluto were about to change signs, still in sextile aspect, with Pluto at the end of Virgo moving toward Libra and Neptune moving out of Pluto’s sign of Scorpio into Sagittarius. During this timeframe, Jupiter and Uranus in Libra also formed a conjunction with Pluto at the end of Virgo and then traveled together through the early part of Libra, increasing the unexpectedness of and number of deaths associated with this outbreak.
So what is going on now that would indicate that another influenza pandemic is likely? Neptune and Pluto are still in sextile aspect, although out of sign, with Neptune moving toward Pisces in early 2011 and Pluto in early Capricorn. At the same time, Jupiter, that caused so much havoc during the Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918-1920, is about to form a conjunction to Neptune, the planet of the flu, while Chiron, the planet called the Wounded Healer, is right between them, increasing the likelihood that this outbreak of flu could be a very serious one. Additionally, just like the period of the Spanish Flu outbreak, Saturn and Uranus are opposing each other and will stay in that stressful aspect until the middle of 2010 when these two planets will make their final exact opposition at 0º of Aries/Libra, squaring Pluto in early Capricorn. Additionally, Pluto is in opposition to the point where it was during the outbreak of the Spanish Flu, the early degrees of Cancer.
I think that it’s not inconceivable that the pandemic that the World Health Organization has been worried about is beginning to manifest. All we can do is take all the precautions we’ve been taught to prevent getting sick – don’t go to work if you’re sick, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, wash your hands all the time, and avoid large gatherings if you know illness is spreading. And pray that these signs will manifest in a less deadly manner.
(Source for influenza facts:
Friday, April 17, 2009
Venus: Moving Forward, Finally!
Conjunctions of two planets merge their energies. Venus is about relating; Mars is about walking your own path. They conjoin exactly in Pisces, the sign of idealism and dreams of spiritual union. However, they soon move into Aries, where Venus has been for most of the last few months. Relationships based upon the dreaminess of Pisces will have a hard time standing up to the fiery energy of Aries. Aries doesn’t want to emotionally merge as true soulmates; Aries wants to have hot and heavy sex. Aries doesn’t yearn to save humanity; Aries yearns to help himself. Early in this journey together, these two conjoined planets will form a square aspect to Pluto. Pluto in Capricorn is the power of the establishment, and Venus and Mars in Aries is all about doing it your own way. Relationships formed impulsively will be tested through the adversity of reality in the form of authority figures, job responsibilities, and other powerful forces in life. Some will survive; others won’t. Pluto can also bring out violent tendencies, so be cautious about pushing other people too hard because you may miscalculate their breaking point.
This afternoon, the Moon is going into Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism and friendship. Many people I know are either going away for the weekend or are spending time with friends. The combination of the Venus station and the Moon in Aquarius is auspicious for sociability. Put your work aside this weekend and have some fun. Spring has arrived and Venus is bringing beauty back into our lives. Live a little.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Mars/Uranus – Mardi Gras in April
I have always associated Mars/Uranus with The Tower card of the Tarot deck. Also known as the “Lightening Struck Tower,” this card represents an event that shakes up your consciousness. Associated with hubris and being knocked off your false sense of superiority, the Tower card tells you that an attitude of arrogance may cause your downfall. Good examples of hubris leading to being struck by lightening and thrown down to the ground in disgrace are Richard Nixon and Bernie Madoff. Both of these men thought that they were so intelligent that their dirty tricks would never be found out. Richard Nixon was only a little luckier than Bernie Madoff – he didn’t spend the rest of his life in jail, but he was certainly disgraced.
Mars/Uranus may trigger a fun event such as going out with your friends unexpectedly and getting lucky. It may also trigger an event as frightening as your house exploding from a gas leak. During a period like this, it’s good to take stock of how stressed out and how trapped you’re feeling in your life. Do you feel like you want to escape from your life and run away to start all over again? Have you been walking around with ten years’ worth of accumulated gripes building up inside of you? Or are you someone that allows the urge for the new and unusual to take over your psyche occasionally so you can let off some steam and then go back to your daily life renewed and refreshed? Mars/Uranus is telling you that it’s a normal part of life to break the daily routine. When the opportunity arises for an unusual twist in your day, be spontaneous – but don’t think that you can take chances and be protected. This kind of energy will more likely than not cause you harm if you’re too reckless.
Saturn is in wide opposition to this wild and carefree energy, so for the most part, there should be some sense of caution during this timeframe. However, if you are already the rebellious type, don’t overreact and take dangerous chances just to be contrary. As I said above, this can be dangerous energy and caution is advised, especially around machinery, guns, explosives, and knives. Saturn also represents the structure in our life that we take for granted. Mars/Uranus may shatter that structure if it already has cracks in it.
As this conjunction is in a water sign, sudden emotional situations may arise forcing you to examine how you really feel. Some of us never know what we’re feeling until a loved one forces us to face our feelings in a crisis situation, or circumstances endanger someone we love. Anger and hurt may spark easily at this time.
Be spontaneous. Be aware. Allow new energy and new realizations to enter your life. This combination of energies can wake you up, take you out of your every day reality, and set you on a new path. Then again, it can just throw off your schedule. The choice is yours.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The major lesson of Pluto is LET GO. Let go of your idea of how things should be. Let go of the idea that someone will change and act like you think they should because you are pushing them hard enough. Let go of being angry at the world because it’s not living up to your expectations. Let go of your obsession with someone who doesn’t care about you anymore. Turn your focus inward. If you want to change something, change yourself. If someone doesn’t make you happy, make yourself happy. If you’re bored and looking for excitement, avoid dangerous people and dangerous places. You will find what you’re looking for and it may kill you. Remember, YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY. If you are honest with yourself, you can see the path that led you to the place you find yourself in now. Start focusing on what you want to change in your life, and watch changes begin to happen.
When you think of Pluto, think of the eons it takes for the pressure to build up inside of a volcano before it erupts and the massive damage it causes. The problem with a volcano is there’s no release valve for the pent up energy. That’s what happens when the stress of Pluto builds up inside a person. The ensuing eruption can wipe out relationships, jobs, or even life itself. Some of us find Pluto less of a challenge than others, but it is always a challenge. You will know that Pluto is telling you that it is time to change and time to release a situation when the pain becomes too intense – when the fact that you don’t want to stay in the situation any longer is in your consciousness and you can’t deny the reality of it. I’m not talking about walking off in a huff when things don’t go your way; I’m talking about experiencing so much pressure that the pain becomes unbearable. If you stay in that situation because you are afraid to leave it, it will leave you, or it will radically change so much you will not recognize it after the dust clears.
On the other hand, if you take the power that is offered to you from the universe and you use it for the highest good of which you can conceive, you will experience the positive transformative power of Pluto. The place of “knowing” in your body is your Solar Plexus Chakra, right above your naval. When someone tells you to follow your gut, that’s where the sensations are. You will know absolutely that you are doing the right thing by how this Chakra feels to you when wielding the power of Pluto. Pure, unadulterated power mongering comes out of your Root Chakra. If you move that Plutonian force up through your Chakras so that it activates your Crown Chakra, you will know if your motives are pure by how you feel at your Solar Plexus Chakra. We are always aware of whether motives are pure by our gut reaction, whether we admit that to others or not.
This striving for perfection is not a reason to beat ourselves up when we are unable to achieve it, but it is a goal to move toward, and Pluto is an instrument that burns out our impurities and impels us toward that goal. Sometimes that Plutonian energy will come to you through another person who forces you to face yourself, and sometimes that energy is something that you will find inherent within your own being, that will affect others in ways that are unexpected. The only thing that can be said for certain about Pluto is that you can’t ignore it, and you don’t walk away from it unchanged. You will know it when you meet it by the intensity of its power over you. It is one of the Gods and will not be ignored.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Mercury, Planet of Communication, Trade, and Thieves, Moves from Aries to Taurus in April
On April 10, the planet Mercury’s energy slows down from the frantic pace of Aries to the unhurried and easy pace of Taurus. Tempers that have been set off with a few ill chosen words will cool down, and stubbornness will take over as the way to deal with irritation. Thoughts will turn to commerce, as Taurus is interested in the buying and selling of goods and the making and saving of money. Taurus is not a comfortable sign for Mercury, as Taurus is slow and ponderous, while Mercury is quick and agile. The planet will be much more comfortable after May 1, when Mercury goes into Gemini.
Pluto will be in good aspect to Mercury from the 10th to about the 14th, allowing analytical thinking to be at its best. This will be a good period to get to the bottom of any matter, and powers of persuasion will be strong. From about the 16th to the 19th, Saturn will give thinking a practical aspect and this will be a good time for hard mental work and for serious, practical consideration of important decisions. From about the 24th to the end of the month, don’t take anything at face value. Wait until Mercury goes into Gemini before making any decisions as there could be some hidden problem that won’t surface until after Mercury changes signs.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Aries New Moon Square Pluto – No Pressure!
For Aries, this new moon is about focusing on yourself, which you should be pretty good at already. Pay attention to what your physical body is telling you, and find ways to relieve the pressure you may feel from authority figures or from being in the public eye. Spend time with your friends and take some deep breaths before you react when someone tries to push your buttons.
Taurus, enjoy the solitude this month. You’ve been busy and now’s the time to withdraw and be alone with yourself whenever you can manage it. This isn’t a great month for traveling, but you could have some “ah ha” moments if you take the time to think about the more profound side of life. You may feel some of your friends aren’t being completely truthful with you, but don’t be too hard on them.
This is a busy social month for Gemini, with a lot of energy being expended for group endeavors. Sexual intrigue could cause problems with friends, and be careful about anyone putting pressure on you to finance something you don’t believe in. In about a week, work pressures may cause some stress at home, but you need to persevere and finish the job you started.
Cancer, you will be feeling pressure from both career and partner this month. Relieve some of that stressful energy by entertaining at home for Easter or Passover, or just for the heck of it. That will give you and your partner some quality time to spend together, which is important to making you feel secure and comfortable in your life. Traveling may bring delays or just be too much work. If you’re going away in the next week or two, organize yourself and don’t leave things to chance.
This is an excellent time for Leo to take a spur of the moment trip, although don’t overwhelm yourself with controlling every detail of what you do or where you go. Be careful about investments and buying and selling on the stock market this month. You may be too impulsive and there may be issues that you won’t be aware of until it’s too late.
Virgo will find this month very intense, with power struggles seemingly coming out of nowhere. You may find yourself in sexual situations that are unplanned. Be cautious about too much partying because you could find yourself in a situation where you are being coerced sexually. Partnerships continue to be unpredictable, and you may feel that your partner is being untruthful. I believe it’s less about them being untruthful than them being confused about what they want.
The focus is primarily on your relationships this month, Libra. If you’ve felt lonely lately, you can rest assured you and your partner will be busy this month. Attempt to be unemotional about the pressure from your extended family as there may be expectations put on you that cause resentment. Take care of what you need to do, but don’t buy into the guilt. Work will be busy, but you may feel as if you’re just going around in circles and not getting anything done.
Scorpio will be focused on new projects at work or on health issues related to infections. Attempt to keep your obsessions about what’s going on in those areas down to a minimum because you may mentally dwell on matters until you lose the ability to have any perspective. Go out and have some fun and get your mind off things. A night at a casino or with friends having a few drinks will do a lot to take some of the pressure off.
This is a great month for allowing creativity in your life, Sagittarius. It’s also a good month to go out and have a good time, go to the theater or find a new love. Your value system is going through a major transformation, and you may find that the things that you used to value don’t feel authentic anymore. However, you won’t find out what you will value in the future unless you go out there and try some new things. It may be that what you truly value doesn’t change, but only your perspective.
Capricorn needs to spend some time with family this month, or work on projects around the home. If the money isn’t there for a major project, all those small ones will at least make you feel as if you’re accomplishing something. You may resist the changes your family wants to make and assert yourself as the boss, but all that will do is cause yourself too much stress. You have just started a long period of learning about how to handle power, so pay attention to what happens when you wield it selfishly. It’s better to start learning the lessons of Pluto with the little things.
Aquarius has a busy month ahead of him. Much coming and going, a lot of driving, a lot of communication, and a lot of time spent with siblings and neighbors. Unresolved issues with siblings could cause pressure, and you should be aware of how you are projecting your disapproval if a sibling is doing something that you feel is stupid. Siblings could bring up unresolved issues which you’ve buried in your subconscious, which could cause a volcano to erupt out of what appears to be nowhere. Be cautious about spending money this month as you could spend a lot more than you anticipated without realizing it.
Pisces is feeling acquisitive this month. Spend some money on yourself -- just try to put the brakes on it because you could make too many impulsive purchases. There could be tension involving groups you belong to, with pressure being put on you to conform. You could also be coerced into helping out a group or organization because they know how to take advantage of your giving nature. You have the energy this month to stand up for yourself, but try to be forthright about it. The tendency will be to disappear and avoid confronting the situation.
The next new moon is April 24 in Taurus, with a nice trine to Pluto. While anger and loss of patience will color this month, next month will be much more placid. Enjoy the Aries energy. It’s the new energy of spring, and we are all feeling the relief at the end of winter.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Natasha Richardson
Yesterday, I saw a special about volcanoes on The History Channel, and what happened to Natasha can be likened to a volcano erupting. Transiting Mars, one of the planets making up this fixed energy in her chart, transited to an opposition to Uranus, and that combination of energies is an explosive, unpredictable energy. At the same time, transiting Pluto in Capricorn, the planet that rules Scorpio and death, made a hard aspect to her progressed Mars in Libra. In addition to these aspects, there were also other stressful aspects involved in her death, one of which was the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition which has been forming a t-square to her Moon for months. Uranus had recently moved to an exact square to her Moon, adding to the accumulation of tension going on in her life.
From looking at her chart, it was clear that she was at a point in her life where she needed to make some kind of a major change and her resistance to that need to change caused a great deal of energy to build up inside of her. In her case, because she didn’t find a release and an outlet for that energy, when it erupted, it caused an accident that subsequently killed her. I think the image of a volcanic eruption is a fitting description for the violent energies that entered Natasha’s life yesterday.
As an aside, Venus in Aries, which is now retrograde, ruled Natasha’s first house of her physical body and her eighth house of death, and it was transiting in exact opposition to her first house cusp (her ascendant) at the time of the accident. Aries rules the head.
She was a gifted actress, well loved by her husband Liam Neeson, family, friends and fans, and she will be greatly missed.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Moon Magick Part II
Each month, the New Moon is in a different sign of the zodiac, but the Moon’s monthly cycle in relation to the Sun repeats the same eight phases. Based on the work of Dane Rudhyar, Robert “Buz” Myers and Demetra George, I want to talk about those phases and how to use the energy of each phase to your own personal advantage.
We all have needs and desires that change as time goes by. If you look back over your life, you will find that many of the things you wanted the most you managed to materialize. Understanding and working with the Moon’s cycle every month can add power to your ability to manifest what you want by tapping into complementary energies.
Get to know these phases, which are easy enough to follow if you have a calendar that indicates the New and Full Moons:
1. New Moon Phase (New Moon to 3½ days following New Moon) (Soli-Lunar Arc 0 to 45 degrees; related to 0 Aries to 15 Taurus) (Direction: East) (Elements: Fire and Earth) This phase is very emotional and subjective. Now is the time to take new action and set a goal in line with your innermost needs and desires. Visualize a seed germinating underground. Keywords: beginning, birth, emergence, projection, clarity.
2. Crescent Phase (3½ to 7 days after a New Moon) (Soli-Lunar Arc 45 to 90 degrees; related to 15 Taurus to 30 Gemini) (Direction: Southeast) (Elements: Earth and Air) Here you must use determined self-assertiveness to overcome obstacles to your goal, and keep your faith in following the path you have set. Visualize the shoot of a plant breaking through the soil. Keywords: expansion, growth, struggle, illumination, and opportunity leading to action.
3. First Quarter Phase (7 to 10½ days after a New Moon) (Soli-Lunar Arc 90 to 135 degrees; related to 0 Cancer to 15 Leo) (Direction: South) (Elements: Water and Fire) After overcoming obstacles at the Crescent phase, your strong will and organizing ability can be used to express your individual needs and desires. Here there is instinctive rebellion against social restraints and the ability to make your own decisions. The key to this phase is staying in a positive frame of mind. Visualize a plant in a growth spurt, developing roots, stems and leaves. Keywords: action, expression, and growth leading to self-trust.
4. Gibbous Phase (10½ to 15 days after a New Moon) (Soli-Lunar Arc 135 to 180 degrees; related to 15 Leo to 30 Virgo) (Direction: Southwest) (Elements: Fire and Earth) This point represents the movement from activity to receptivity and the need to trust that what you desire is moving toward manifestation. You may experience a yearning for more light to be shed on the path to your goal. Visualize the budding of a plant with all the promise of those buds. Keywords: analyze, prepare, trust, and love leading to new experience.
5. Full Moon Phase (15 to 18½ days after a New Moon) (Soli-Lunar Arc 180 to 225 degrees; related to 0 Libra to 15 Scorpio) (Direction: West) (Elements: Air and Water) At the Full phase, you will have the greatest mental objectivity. The illumination you were seeking at the Gibbous Phase is possible now, and you will have clear vision about all that has taken place since the beginning of the cycle and understand what adjustments need to be made. Visualize flowers opening and turning toward the light. Keywords: fulfillment, illumination, realization, and experience leading to introspection.
6. Disseminating Phase (18½ to 22 days after a New Moon) (Soli-Lunar Arc 225 to 270 degrees; related to 15 Scorpio to 30 Sagittarius) (Direction: Northwest) (Elements: Water and Fire) The needed adjustments you glimpsed at the Full Moon can be made now to keep the accomplishment of your goal on track. Communication is key here -- you will have the opportunity to share with others what you have learned through your awareness of the cycle, and you may fight for what you desire and for what you deem is right. Visualize the plant giving forth its fruit to feed others. Keywords: demonstration, distribution, sharing, and introspection leading to strength.
7. Third Quarter Phase (22 to 25½ days after a New Moon) (Soli-Lunar Arc 270 to 315 degrees; related to 0 Capricorn to 15 Aquarius) (Direction: North) (Elements: Earth and Air) Here you will become aware of what is not working and realign your goals, sometimes forcing issues and creating a crisis. Now is the time to reorient yourself toward new creative potentials. Whatever is no longer functional will be torn down. Visualize the plant after the harvest, the remaining fruit decomposing and drawing its energy inward for the next cycle. Keywords: realignment, revision, cleansing, and renewal leading to purity.
8. Balsamic Phase (25½ to 30 days after a New Moon) (Soli-Lunar Arc 315 to 360 degrees; related to 15 Aquarius to 30 Pisces) (Direction: Northeast) (Elements: Air and Water) At this Phase, if we haven’t achieved our goal, we let go of what hasn’t worked and transform our vision into a new seed that can be planted again at the New Moon. Resolution of past issues is possible now. Visualize the seeds from the decomposed fruit falling to the ground, waiting for re-germination in the next cycle. Keywords: release, transformation, transition, and purity leading to new clarity.
Each month, you have an opportunity to take advantage of each of these phases, and for extraordinary oomph to your workings, you can wait until the moon phase you wish to use is also in a sign compatible with your desire – Taurus for money, Sag for travel, Leo for creativity, etc., etc. Have fun with it, and not only will you start manifesting your heart’s desires, but you’ll also learn a little Astrology!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Moon Magick (Part 1)
XXXII. To Selene
(ll. 1-13) “And next, sweet voiced Muses, daughters of Zeus, well-skilled in song, tell of the long-winged Moon. From her immortal head a radiance is shown from heaven and embraces earth; and great is the beauty that ariseth from her shining light. The air, unlit before, glows with the light of her golden crown, and her rays beam clear, whensoever bright Selene having bathed her lovely body in the waters of Ocean, and donned her far-gleaming, shining team, drives on her long-maned horses at full speed, at eventime in the mid-month: then her great orbit is full and then her beams shine brightest as she increases. So she is a sure token and a sign to mortal men.” Homeric Hymn to Selene, translated by Evelyn-White
In this two-part article, I will take a look at our Moon and her influence on us, both by the sign she’s transiting and by looking at her eight phases. Today, I’ll be discussing her monthly circuit through the signs of the zodiac. If you don’t have an astrological calendar or other way to know which sign the Moon is in each day, I suggest going to the Cafe Astrology site at Click on the link below the calendar for the Moon’s sign and planetary aspects for each day of that month.
When the Moon enters Aries, life speeds up. It increases our energy, and it is a good time to begin new projects and seek new avenues of expression. Take some time for yourself and attempt to be aware of your effect on those around you. This is also a fine time to exercise because you can feel energetic under Aries. Infections may flare up under this influence.
The Taurus Moon is a time of practicality. Aries begins new projects, but Taurus brings stability to them. Anything you don’t find practical will be discarded, and the rhythm of life slows down. Values are important during this 2-½ day period, and the need to be productive is the overriding drive. Taurus is also stubborn, so people will tend to stand their ground during this moon.
Gemini brings a lot of conversation and communication. If you’ve been putting off running a lot of errands, this is the time of month to get it over with. It’s also the time of month to respond to that list of e-mails staring at you that you keep putting off. Check in with the neighbors or contact your extended family. People are in the mood to communicate. Find a good book to read.
Home and those we consider family become the focus under the Cancer Moon. This is a productive time to do some housework or make a special dish that’s usually too much work. You may feel like sticking close to home and spending time with those you’re close with rather than seeking the company of strangers. Cancer retreats to the familiar for comfort.
Under the Leo Moon, find something creative to do. Leo needs to be appreciated, and one way to be appreciated is to put energy into a project that others can enjoy. This is also an excellent time to have some fun, and you may feel like doing a little gambling now. Tell someone how much you care and make a little love during this time.
Virgo is the hangover after the Leo party. All that work you put off the last couple of days is staring you in the face and you need to get it done. This is an excellent period for deciding what needs to be done around the house and clearing that pile of papers off your desk. Efficiency, analysis and discrimination are keywords for this lunar period. Health issues should be paid attention to now.
Relationships need some attention during the Libra transit, and not just your marriage or love partner. Libra is about compromise and creating harmony and balance. Find the middle ground, create a win-win situation and make any ongoing disagreement go away. This is also a nice time to get to know new people because you’ll be feeling sociable and will find others interesting.
Deep emotions are stirred during the Scorpio moon. Secrets come out and sexual urges may be strong. You won’t want any superficial relating now – you want to feel something and will seek out intense people or situations. Shared resources can also become a focus of attention now, so be careful of disagreements regarding money.
Restlessness is the key word under the Sagittarius moon, physical as well as mental. Seek out new ideas or someone to discuss your ideas with. Religion and philosophy may occupy your thoughts today. This is also a good time to start a trip, or plan one. Find something different to do. The downside to this energy is that you may get lost in what you’re doing and forget where you’re supposed to be or what you’re supposed to be doing.
Capricorn is about taking care of business. This is an excellent timeframe in which to start creating structure in your life and to work on the discipline you think you’re lacking. Virgo analyzes, but Capricorn actually gets down to the business of physically organizing things and people. Delegate responsibility by deciding what you must personally handle and what someone else can take care of, which is especially important for those of us who think if we don’t do it, it won’t get done.
Get out and interact with groups and organizations during the Aquarius moon. You will feel sociable in a detached way, and will find the company of others enjoyable. The need for a change is the keyword for this moon, which can easily slip into rebelliousness. Tackling computer issues will come easily now, and science fiction and fantasy can pass the time and ease the restlessness of your mind. You may find yourself exposed to those kinds of things now, even if they normally don’t interest you.
On Wednesday, February 25, the flavor of this month began with the New Moon in Pisces. When the Moon is in Pisces, life gets softer around the edges. This can also be a time when people tend to use their own personal means of escape to shut out the ills of the world, whether that is through an artistic pursuit, meditation, helping others or shutting out the world through the use of alcohol or drugs. This is a good time to visualize your dreams.
Next time, I will write about the eight phases of the Moon (rather than just the four you are probably used to) and discuss how you can consciously use each to your best advantage. Combining the meanings of the Moon in the signs and the Moon in her phases can be employed to manifest what you desire in your life, magickally!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Venus Retrograde in Aries: An Opportunity to Glimpse Your Shadow
Venus, when in Aries, is in what astrologers call its “Detriment.” Venus is all about attraction, love, sexuality, beauty, love received from mother, and personal values. When it’s operating in your life, you may meet someone and feel an immediate affinity with him or her. You won’t have to be cool or be someone other than who you are -- you will both just genuinely like each other. Robert Hand (Horoscope Symbols, 1981, Para Research, Inc., Rockport, MA) compares Venus’ power of attraction to gravity or atoms bonding together to create molecules. In Aries, though, Venus is working through a sign that is very self-focused, spontaneous and with a short attention span, so an attraction to another while Venus is in Aries may be full of passion and then burn itself out quickly. People also feel restless when a planet is in Aries, always seeking something new to get into, making this placement not very conducive to the formation of lasting relationships. The urge to be able to do whatever you wish without answering to anyone else is an innate part of Aries energy. Venus is all about keeping the peace and give and take, causing Venus to be uncomfortable in this sign of the pioneer.
If you do meet someone new during this period, give the relationship some time before passing judgment on it. Sometimes people just show up because there’s a lesson you need to learn or an adventure you need to have, and then they disappear as quickly as they appeared. Until April 10, my advice is to just appreciate new relationships for what they are and don’t insist on any commitments, or make any yourself.
Prior to March 7, you have an opportunity to become conscious of what’s in your life that is a value thrust upon you rather than one coming from your heart. After the 7th, you will have a good opportunity to assert yourself and be clear about values that are not true to your own vision. We often value things because everyone else does or the people we care about do, but those values may trouble us on a deep level. The first part of this retrograde period, between February 12 and March 7, is the time when you need to come to grips with values that no longer work for you. As the Sun and Venus move on from the inferior conjunction on March 7, you should make your feelings known about these outdated values, even if you just bring your new values into your personal consciousness.
On April 3, before the conclusion of the Venus/Sun cycle on April 10, Venus and Pluto will be square to one another (90º apart) from the signs Aries to Capricorn. This is the second time this separating square has occurred between these planets, the first being on February 6. There is great stress between the need for personal self-expression and freedom in relationships (Venus in Aries) and the ongoing transformation of what has been taken for granted as the foundation of personal and collective material security and status (Pluto in Capricorn). Relationships founded on a deep bond of love, such that each can give the other space to be who they are, and which are not based solely on material security, will transform and grow stronger through this period. Relationships created around values that don’t include a basic bond of love may fail because the roots supporting them are not strong enough. This square will occur one more time on May 2, after Venus goes direct, and if your relationship is in the grips of crisis after April 3, you will still have an opportunity to communicate your needs and your values to your partner so that adjustments can be made before May 2. Pluto is the destroyer, and if you ignore the stress and the pain hoping that the crisis will pass, you may find yourself alone – Venus in Aries.
This retrograde cycle actually began when Venus crossed 7º of Aries, the degree of the inferior conjunction, on February 12. Between now and April 18, when, for the final time, Venus passes 15º of Aries, the degree of its station, pay attention to your relationships and pay attention to your values. You now have the opportunity to reach into your own depths and cast some light upon your shadow self.