By Fran Rosen. About a year ago, I pulled together information about the Chakras for a retreat I was attending and would like to share that information with you. If you do not already know what Chakras are, they can be defined as “energy centers along the spine located at major branchings of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving upward to the top of the skull. Chakras are considered to be a point or nexus of biophysical energy or prana of the human body. Shumsky states that ‘prana is the basic component of your subtle body, your energy field, and the entire chakra system...the key to life and source of energy in the universe.’”
When Chakras are blocked or overactive, psychological states may manifest. The information I have gathered will give you an idea of which of your Chakras may need some extra attention, and I have included some exercises for getting the energy flowing through each Chakra.
Most of the material presented here was selected from the works of Anodea Judith, Ph.D., who holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Human Health and is also a Yoga teacher. For additional information, I suggest reading her books, listening to her CD’s, or if you would like to learn about how to correlate your astrological chart with your Chakras and the personal issues indicated by your planetary placements, I suggest either going to a workshop by Joe Landwehr at one of the astrology conferences where he is a presenter, or purchasing his book, Tracking the Soul with an Astrology of Consciousness (2007), Ancient Tower Press, Mountain View, MO. There are also many other fine books on the Chakras and much free information on the internet.
This is Part 1, discussing Chakras One through Four.
Name Muladhara (root)
Purpose Foundation
Issues Roots, grounding, nourishment, trust, health, home, family, prosperity, appropriate boundaries, desire for safety and protection
Color Red
Location Base of spine, coccygeal plexus
Dieties Brahma, Dakini, Ganesha, Gaia, Demeter/Persephone, Ceridwen, Geb, Erda, Ereshkigal, Hades, Psyll, Dumuzi, Tammuz, Atlas
Element Earth
Sense Smell
Gemstones Lodestone, ruby, garnet, bloodstone
Demon Fear
Basic Rights To be here and have
Balanced Characteristics Good heath, well grounded, comfortable in body, feeling of safety and security, ability to relax, stability, prosperity
Traumas and Abuses Birth trauma, abandonment, neglect, poor bonding with mother, malnourishment, major illness or surgery, physical abuse or violent environment, parents’ survival fears (i.e., holocaust survivors, war veterans, etc.)
Deficiency Disconnection from body, underweight, fearful, anxious, poor focus and discipline, financial difficulties, poor boundaries, chronic disorganization
Excess Obesity, overeating, hoarding, greed, lazy, tired, fear of change, rigid boundaries
Physical Malfunctions Disorders of bowel, anus, large intestine, bones, teeth; issues with legs, feet, knees, base of spine, buttocks; eating disorders; frequent illness
Healing Practices Physical activity, lots of touch, massage, bioenergetic grounding, Hatha yoga, look at earliest childhood relationship to mother, reclaim right to be here
Affirmations It is safe for me to be here.
The earth supports me and meets my needs.
I love my body and trust its wisdom.
I am immersed in abundance.
I’m here and I’m real.
Exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly in. (Take your shoes off so you can feel the floor under you.) Press into your feet as if you were trying to push the floorboards apart between your feet. You will feel a solidity come into your legs as you do this. This comes from pushing down into your feet.
Once you can feel that solidity, you are ready to begin the exercise. Inhale deeply and bend your knees, letting your belly relax. Now exhale and push into your feet s-l-o-w-l-y, pushing as you did before and allowing your legs to slowly straighten. Do not let them straighten all the way, but bend them again and inhale as you go down into your legs. Push again against the floor as you exhale, pushing your energy downward through your body.
Do not completely straighten your legs, keep breathing, and move slowly. If you are doing this correctly, you will start to feel a slow vibration in your legs as you push against the floor. This vibration is the charge of energy moving through your legs and into your first chakra. It can be used to push out blocks, to increase your sense of contact with your body, or to simply make you feel awake and refreshed.
It is possible to get overcharged, however, so exercise caution in how long you keep this up. If you get overcharged and feel anxious, kick your feet into a pile of pillows, shake your body, or let out whatever feelings are arising.
Name Svadhisthana (sweetness)
Purpose Movement and connection
Issues Movement, sensation, emotions, sexuality, desire, need, pleasure
Color Orange
Location Lower abdomen, sacral plexus
Dieties Indra, Varuna, Vishnu, Diana, Jemaya, Tiamat, Mari, Conventina, Poseiden, Lir, Ganymede, Dionysius, Pan
Element Water
Sense Taste
Gemstones Coral, amber
Demon Guilt
Basic Rights To feel and have pleasure
Balanced Characteristics Graceful movement, ability to experience pleasure, nurturance of self and others, ability to change, healthy boundaries
Traumas and Abuses Sexual, physical or emotional abuse, volatile situations, neglect, coldness, rejection, denial of child’s feeling states, emotional manipulation, restricting of normal movement between 6 mos. and 2 years old, religious moral severity, alcoholic families
Deficiency Rigidity in body and attitudes, frigidity, fear of sex, poor social skills, denial of pleasure, excessive boundaries, fear of change, lack of desire, passion, excitement
Excess Sexual acting out or addiction, ruled by emotions (hysteria, bipolar mood swings, crisis junkies), oversensitive, poor boundaries, seductive manipulation, emotional dependency, obsessive attachment
Physical Malfunctions Disorders of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system, menstrual difficulties, sexual dysfunction, low back pain, knee trouble, lack of flexibility, deadened senses, loss of appetite for food, sex, life
Healing Practices Movement therapy, emotional release or containment, inner child work, boundary work, 12-step for addictions, develop sensate intelligence
Affirmations I deserve pleasure in my life.
I absorb information from my feelings.
I embrace and celebrate my sexuality.
My sexuality is sacred.
I move easily and effortlessly.
Life is pleasurable.
Exercises Pelvic Rock 1 - Lie flat on your back with your knees bent so that the soles of your feet are planted firmly on the floor. Breathe into your chest fully and exhale completely, pushing into your feet at the end of the exhale and tipping your pelvis upward. Imagine you are pushing the breath out between your legs. When the exhale is spent, relax your legs and hips, returning them to the floor, and inhale fully into your chest again. Then repeat. Keep this going for a minimum of five minutes to feel the effects.
Pelvic Rock 2 - If the first one stirs up a great deal of energy, or if there is too much stiffness to perform it smoothly, try repeating the same sequence much faster. In this exercise the pelvis is snapped up and back quickly, with as much force as possible. Let yourself make any sounds that are natural. This helps to release blocked energy. (Make sure you do this on something soft like a mat or bed.)
Name Manipura (lustrous gem)
Purpose Transformation
Issues Energy, activity, autonomy, individuation, will, self-esteem, power
Color Yellow
Location Solar plexus
Dieties Agni, Surya, Rudra, Lakini, Brigit, Athene, Helios, Apollo, Amaterasu, Belenos, Apis, Ra
Element Fire
Sense Sight
Gemstones Amber, topaz, gold
Demon Shame
Basic Rights To act and be an individual
Balanced Characteristics Responsible, reliable, balanced, effective will, good self-esteem, warmth in personality, confidence, spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humor, appropriate self-discipline, sense of one’s personal power, able to meet challenges
Traumas and Abuses Shaming, authoritarianism, domination of will, volatile situations, physical abuse, fear of punishment, age inappropriate responsibilities, inherited shame from parent
Deficiency Low energy, weak will, poor self-discipline, cold, emotionally and/or physically, poor digestion, collapsed middle, attraction to stimulants, victim mentality, passive, unreliable
Excess Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, need to be right, have last word, manipulative, power hungry, deceitful, attracted to sedatives, violent outbursts, stubborn, type A personality, competitive, arrogant, hyperactive
Physical Malfunctions Eating disorders, digestive disorders, ulcers, hypoglycemia, diabetes, muscular disorders, chronic fatigue, hypertension, disorders of stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver
Healing Practices Risk taking (deficiency), vigorous exercise, deep relaxation (excess), martial arts, sit ups, psychotherapy
Affirmations I honor the power within me.
I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.
The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears.
I can do whatever I will to do.
Exercises A good rule of thumb for stimulating the third chakra is to get your energy moving. Jogging, yelling, or pounding a pillow can help you loosen up.
Stand with feet planted firmly on the ground, knees slightly bent, heels about two feet apart. Raise arms together over the head with hands joined. Arch back slightly. Making an "ah" sound as you descend, swing the whole upper portion of the body downward bringing your hands between your legs and through. The motion should be smooth and rapid, emitting as much force and power as is possible. Let the sound be full and loud. Repeat five to ten times in a session, and feel the energy break through into your upper body. This exercise is also an excellent anger release.
Name Anahata (unstruck)
Purpose Love, balance
Issues Love, balance, self-love, relationship, intimacy
Color Green
Location Chest, heart, cardiac plexus
Dieties Vishnu, Lakshmi, Krishna, Aphrodite, Freya, Pan, Eros, Dian Cecht, Maat, Asclepius, Isis, Aeolus, Shu
Element Air
Sense Touch
Gemstones Emerald, tourmaline, rose quartz, malachite
Demon Grief
Basic Rights To love and be loved
Balanced Characteristics Compassionate, loving, empathetic, self-loving, altruistic, peaceful, balanced, good immune system
Traumas and Abuses Rejection, abandonment, loss, shaming, constant criticism, abuses to any other chakras, especially lower chakras; unacknowledged grief; divorce, loss of loved one, loveless, cold environment, conditional love, sexual or physical abuse, betrayal
Deficiency Antisocial, withdrawn, cold, critical, judgmental, intolerant of self or others, loneliness, isolation, depression, fear of intimacy, fear of relationships, lack of empathy, narcissism
Excess Co-dependency, poor boundaries, demanding, clinging, jealousy, overly sacrificing
Physical Malfunctions Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms, shortness of breath, sunken chest, circulation problems, asthma, immune system deficiency, tension between shoulder blades, pain in chest
Healing Practices Breathing exercises, journaling, self-discovery, psychotherapy
Affirmations I am worthy of love.
I am loving to myself and others.
There is an infinite supply of love.
I live in balance with others.
Exercises Because Anahata is related to the element air, it is accessible through the breath. Opening up the breath, unloosening whatever tensions are constricting it, is a way of accessing the heart chakra.
Form the grounding position of chakra 1 and begin breathing into your legs, building up some charge. Then bring the charge into your pelvis by moving your hips back and forth until your second chakra feels some of this same energy. When your hips and belly feel connected, begin to form an arch with your body, keeping your knees bent, thrusting your pelvis forward, then your stomach and chest, and finally reaching upward with your arms, head back. (Be gentle with your spine, and do not hold this position if you feel any discomfort.)
If you are holding the position correctly, you should feel a vibration in your chest. Breathe into this and relax as much as you can in this difficult position, imagining a green light filling and opening your heart.
Return slowly to your upright position, keeping the knees slightly bent, and slowly return your arms to your sides, eyes closed. Stand at rest a few moments to feel the effects of this exercise. Repeat when ready.
REFERENCESAnodea, Judith, Eastern Body/Western Mind (1996), Celestial Arts, Berkeley, CA
Anodea, Judith, Wheels of Life (1987), Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN
Shumsky, Susan G., Exploring Chakras (2003), The Career Press, Inc., Franklin Lakes, NJ