Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mercury, Planet of Communication, Trade, and Thieves, Moves from Aries to Taurus in April

(Augustin Pajou's Mercure ou le Commerce from 1780)

"Hermes…son of Zeus and Maia, which is, of mind and sense. For the word is engendered from mind and sense. On account of this they also make him winged, as if to be swift. For nothing is swifter than a word. And [that is why] Homer [says] ‘winged words’." --Suidas [syū'ĭdəs], Greek lexicographer.

Mercury, the fast moving planet that is never 28º away from the Sun, was named after Mercury, the Roman wing-sandaled God of communication, by ancient astrologers after studying its astrological effects for hundreds of years. Mercury was called Hermes by the Greeks, and the Egyptian name for him is Thoth, the inventor of hieroglyphics, the originator of the use of calendars, and the judge of the souls of the dead. As a combination of the Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian God Thoth, he is known as Hermes Trismegistus (“Thrice-great Hermes”), a writer of astrological texts, who is also responsible for the occult arts, including alchemy. It is said he authored the Hermetic Books, 36,525 volumes of magic, wisdom and Egyptian history. A messenger God, and a God of trade, he also guides the dead to Hades, and is the patron God of travelers and thieves. In the myths about Mercury, he is almost always doing another God’s bidding, keeping with his role as messenger. Although Mercury was not one of the original Roman Gods, he was still honored by them, and when the Romans conquered the Celts, the Romans associated the Celtic God Lugus, or Lugh, with Mercury. Lugh, a multi-talented God, is not only nimble and quick-minded, but also musical and a ferocious warrior. The Germanic tribes knew Mercury as Wotan and the Norse knew him as Odin, the God who hung himself from a tree for nine days and gave the knowledge of the Runic alphabet to the world, a system both of writing and of magic. The Celtic God Oghma, a God of communication and writing who invented the Ogham alphabet and gave it to the Druids, is also a Mercury-type God.

On April 10, the planet Mercury’s energy slows down from the frantic pace of Aries to the unhurried and easy pace of Taurus. Tempers that have been set off with a few ill chosen words will cool down, and stubbornness will take over as the way to deal with irritation. Thoughts will turn to commerce, as Taurus is interested in the buying and selling of goods and the making and saving of money. Taurus is not a comfortable sign for Mercury, as Taurus is slow and ponderous, while Mercury is quick and agile. The planet will be much more comfortable after May 1, when Mercury goes into Gemini.

Pluto will be in good aspect to Mercury from the 10th to about the 14th, allowing analytical thinking to be at its best. This will be a good period to get to the bottom of any matter, and powers of persuasion will be strong. From about the 16th to the 19th, Saturn will give thinking a practical aspect and this will be a good time for hard mental work and for serious, practical consideration of important decisions. From about the 24th to the end of the month, don’t take anything at face value. Wait until Mercury goes into Gemini before making any decisions as there could be some hidden problem that won’t surface until after Mercury changes signs.

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