Monday, January 19, 2009

Scorpio in 2009

“Tamed as it may be, sexuality remains one of the demonic forces in human consciousness -- pushing us at intervals close to taboo and dangerous desires, which range from the impulse to commit sudden arbitrary violence upon another person to the voluptuous yearning for the extinction of one's consciousness, for death itself.” Susan Sontag
Scorpio, fixed water, is the most misunderstood and feared sign of the zodiac, and is known for its intense sexuality and emotions. Scorpio is related to the eighth house of the horoscope, the house of emotionally intense sexuality (as opposed to the fifth house, which is sex for fun), death, other people’s money and transformation. Libra relates to others mentally, creating a connection through flirting and body language, while Scorpio relates to others emotionally, wanting to know everything there is to know about how her partner feels and all his or her secret desires. It is difficult for people who don’t relate emotionally to even get what Scorpio is about. Unless you are able to communicate non-verbally and sense your partner’s emotions, it’s unlikely that you will want a Scorpio in your life. She rarely tells you what’s on her mind as she believes knowledge is power. Scorpio spends her life transforming herself and those she is close to. Often, there is tragedy in the life of a Scorpio – unexpected deaths, suicides, events that others can’t imagine living through. She learns lessons about letting go through those experiences, because once she attaches to someone or something, it’s difficult for her to let go. She can be very controlling. However, if a she loves you and trusts, you will experience love at a depth unlike that with any other sign, and if you let go and join her in the all consuming fire of her passion, you will never be the same.

With Jupiter moving into Aquarius and making a hard square to Scorpio, Scorpio should try not to be frustrated when others are elusive and detached in their relationships to her. While Scorpio wants exclusivity, Aquarius wants independence and eccentricity. Partners may tax joint finances for what Scorpio thinks are toys that don’t add anything to future security -- like giant TVs and cool new iPods. As Jupiter transits always bring protection and gifts, these issues won’t be major ones, but may be frustrating to Scorpio’s need to control. Legal matters could manifest, and Scorpio should beware of a sense of inflated self-importance.

Late Scorpios also have Neptune in Aquarius to contend with. Neptune in a hard aspect to the Sun brings confusion to self-identity. In some cases, an escapist tendency emerges and alcoholism or drug addiction (including prescription drugs) becomes a problem. Neptune’s energy, however, if used constructively, can bring great compassion and creativity into your life. Be cautious that any humanitarian causes that you involve yourself in don’t take over your life, but this is a good time to support causes that you feel strongly about. Creative people will find this period very inspiring. Sometimes, this type of aspect can result in a reaction to a medication that is hard to pinpoint. If you have been prescribed a medication, you should pay very close attention to your physical and psychological reactions as your body will be very sensitive to anything you put into it, including food.

Security and the need to change, shown by Saturn and Uranus, are going smoothly now for Scorpio. Opportunities will arise to increase security while at the same time allowing needed changes without burning bridges.

The Death card, probably only second to the Devil card in scaring people when it pops up in a Tarot reading, is related to Scorpio. All of life is a cycle – something is born, matures and dies. New life always follows death as Spring follows Winter. Death teaches us that all living things are equal in its eyes – we all die, kings as well as street people, cats as well as cactuses. It is a part of the natural cycle of life. The lesson for Scorpio is to loosen her grip. As hard as she may want to hold onto something or someone, all things come to an end. Relationships die, either from boredom or the death of a loved one; riches disappear when the stock market crashes or a Bernie Madoff pulls a fast one. If Scorpio can allow each experience to transform her and not try to hold on to it, she will find peace instead of pain.

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